So i am trying to dynamically add these observer methods to a Ember.js object
holderStandoutCheckedChanged: (->
if @get("controller.parent.isLoaded")
holderPaddingCheckedChanged: (->
if @get("controller.parent.isLoaded")
holderMarginCheckedChanged: (->
if @get("controller.parent.isLoaded")
I have this code so far but the item.methodToCall function is not getting called
methodsToDefine = [
{checkerName: "standoutHolderChecked", methodToCall: "toggleParentStandout"},
{checkerName: "holderPaddingChecked", methodToCall: "toggleParentPadding"},
{checkerName: "holderMarginChecked", methodToCall: "toggleParentMargin"}
add_this = { }
for item in methodsToDefine
add_this["#{item.checkerName}Changed"] = (->
if @get("controller.parent.isLoaded")
App.ColumnSetupView.reopen add_this
Can anyone tell me what i am doing wrong ? Is there a better way to do this ? Should i be doing this in a mixin ? If so please
I don't know your exact use case, but as you said, your described problem could be solved with a Mixin, see
App = Ember.Application.create();
var methodsToDefine = [
{checkerName: "standoutHolderChecked", methodToCall: "toggleParentStandout"},
{checkerName: "holderPaddingChecked", methodToCall: "toggleParentPadding"},
{checkerName: "holderMarginChecked", methodToCall: "toggleParentMargin"}
App.Stalker = Ember.Mixin.create({
init: function() {
methodsToDefine.forEach(function(config) {
// add an observer for checkerName - a change should call methodToCall
Ember.addObserver(this, config.checkerName, this, config.methodToCall);
}, this);
willDestroy: function() {
// since we are good citizens, we remove the observers when the object is destroyed
methodsToDefine.forEach(function(config) {
Ember.removeObserver(this, config.checkerName, this, config.methodToCall);
}, this);
Sample use case:
var myObj = Ember.Object.create(App.Stalker, {
toggleParentStandout: function() {
console.log("toggleParentStandout called");
toggleParentPadding: function() {
console.log("toggleParentPadding called");
toggleParentMargin: function() {
console.log("toggleParentMargin called");
myObj.set('standoutHolderChecked', 42);
myObj.set('holderPaddingChecked', 'Buster');
Another implementation would be a mixin which uses an array watchProperties
, which is a list of properties which shall be observed, see
App = Em.Application.create();
App.Stalker = Ember.Mixin.create({
init: function() {
var props = this.get('watchProperties');
Ember.assert("watchProperties should be an array", Ember.isArray(props));
props.forEach(function(property) {
// invoke <property>Changed when <property> changes ...
Ember.addObserver(this, property, this, '%@Changed'.fmt(property));
}, this);
willDestroy: function() {
this.get('watchProperties').forEach(function(property) {
Ember.removeObserver(this, property, this, '%@Changed'.fmt(property));
}, this);
var o = Ember.Object.create(App.Stalker, {
// 'a b'.w() == ['a', 'b']
watchProperties: 'a b'.w(),
aChanged: function() {
console.log("a changed");
o.set('a', 123);