I have Matlab R2012b for Ubuntu 64 bits. I have a Intel Core i3 CPU M 330 @ 2.13GHz × 4.
I want to use parfor to parallelize 4 loops at same time. Because Intel Core i3 has 2 Cores and 4 Threads I use this code:
if matlabpool('size') == 0 % checking to see if my pool is already open
matlabpool close
And I obtain the following error:
You requested a minimum of 4 workers, but the cluster "local" has the NumWorkers property set to allow a maximum of 2 workers. To run a communicating job on more workers than this (up to a maximum of 12 for the Local cluster), increase the value of the NumWorkers property for the cluster. The default value of NumWorkers for a Local cluster is the number of cores on the local machine.
Why? The default value of NumWorkers in my machine is 2 but if I can do 4 loops at the same time, how do I get it?