Can protractor be made to run slowly?

2019-01-07 09:42发布


Is there a way to run a Angular E2E test written using protractor slowly so that I can watch what is happening?


Below is my solution to do that. So basically I created a decorator for current control flow execute function, which now additionaly queues a delay of 100ms before each queued action.

This needs to be run before any tests are invoked (outside describe block)

var origFn = browser.driver.controlFlow().execute;

browser.driver.controlFlow().execute = function() {
  var args = arguments;

  // queue 100ms wait, function() {
    return protractor.promise.delayed(100);

  return origFn.apply(browser.driver.controlFlow(), args);


Just like George Stocker said in the comment, I don't know why you would want to do this...but you can always add a sleep wherever you want in your test.



You can enter in 'debug mode' by placing in your code the command:


In the debug mode, you would see the following output in your terminal:

------- WebDriver Debugger -------

press c to continue to the next webdriver command
press d to continue to the next debugger statement
type "repl" to enter interactive mode
type "exit" to break out of interactive mode
press ^C to exit

You could then:

  • Run command by command by entering c
  • Continue to the next debugger statement (next browser.pause()) by entering d
  • Enter in interactive mode where you could interact with all the elements by entering repl