I installed nodejs and did the following:
npm install -g phonegap
phonegap create <app path>
cd <app path>
phonegap run android
when i execute the run android command, I get below error:
An error occurred during creation of android-sub project. The system cannot find the project specified.
not sure where this is coming from.
any clues.
Had the same problems and a hard time finding a solution, however:
- Make sure JAVA is installed
- Set JAVA_HOME & PATH variables
- Make sure ANT is installed
- Set ANT_HOME & PATH variables
- Make sure Android SDK is installed
- Add PATH to sdk/tools
- Add PATH to sdk/platform-tool
- Run SDK manager to update & install SDK elements
- Run AVD manager to create a default emulator image
- Install NodeJS (with PATH)
- Follow the usual tutorials
- npm install -g cordova
- cordova create hello com.sample.hello HelloWorld
- cd hello
- cordova platform add android
- cordova build
- now launch your Emulator
- cordova emulate android (patience, take ages...)
- or
- cordova run android
- much faster, just make sure you mobile device is connected, on, unlocked, usb debug is on, and drivers are installed
- if you can't find one try: sdk\extras\google\usb_driver
- npm install -g phonegap
- phonegap create hello com.sample.hello HelloWorld
- cd hello
- phonegap platform add android (if not working use cordova command)
- phonegap build android
- now your launch Emulator
- phonegap emulate android (patience, take ages...)
- or
- phonegap run android
- much faster, just make sure you mobile device is connected, on, unlocked, usb debug is on, and drivers are installed
- if you can't find one try: sdk\extras\google\usb_driver
I think the main difference between phonegap/cordova, is phonegap (which belong to Adobe) has the possibility to build in the cloud via https://build.phonegap.com/
Whitespace is not allowed i would say