WARNING: RubyGems 1.2+ index not found for:
RubyGems will revert to legacy indexes degrading performance.
If anyone can walk me through this problem I will give them $50.00
I've exhausted google, have reinstalled everything.
All i want to to is
gem install ...
that's it
remove the culprit URL.
in my case, I am on Centos 5.4 and the full error message I am getting is:
root# gem install rack
WARNING: RubyGems 1.2+ index not found for:
RubyGems will revert to legacy indexes degrading performance.
ERROR: could not find gem rack locally or in a repository
edit your .gemrc
and remove the address that makes it fails.
try again and remove the next broken url if any
until it_just_works(tm);
more it, the one above was the only one.
see the content of my .gemrc config file.
root# cat .gemrc
:verbose: true
:bulk_threshold: 1000
:benchmark: false
:update_sources: true
:backtrace: false
- http://rubyworks.rubyforge.org/redhat/5/GEMS/x86_64/
- http://gems.rubyforge.org
- http://gems.github.com
- http://gems.rubyforge.org
- http://gems.github.com/
- http://gems.rubyonrails.org/
root# pwd
Et Voila!
you would be very kind to paypal 50$ to my email address as promised.
I live in China. I just tried to gem install and gem update from my pc and I got the same error. So i postulate the error is something to do with the great firewall
Are you using Windows 7? I used windows xp, it's ok, but under windows 7 it failed!! The same error as yours.
I am also seeing this problem but only from my home WiFi connection. If I plugin to the router it goes away. I'm sure it is something to do with my configuration but finding it is another story.
I just had a similar situation....
:verbose: true
:update_sources: true
- http://gems.rubyforge.org/
- http://gems.github.com
:bulk_threshold: 1000
:backtrace: false
:benchmark: false
You can also use either of the following to see what URLs you have.
gem env
gem sources
When I tried "http://gems.github.com" it no longer works!
So I updated my gemrc this way:
sudo gem sources -r http://gems.github.com
You'll have to had github.com to your gem sources :
gem sources -a http://gems.github.com
Should do the trick