Jquery slider range doesn't work on iPad

2019-03-27 10:04发布


below is my Jquery slider range (min-max) code, the drag works fine on desktop computer, but when I test this on iPad, it doesn't work. Can anyone help me with this please?

Unfortunately I can't attach image. Below is the diagram of slider range,


var maxValue,myRequest,isDown=false,setUrl;
setUrl = "/search_type/filter.php";

$( "#slider-range" ).slider({
    range: true,
    min: 0,
    max: 500,
    orientation: "horizontal",
    values: [ 0,500 ],
    slide: function( event, ui ) {

    if(ui.values[1] === 500)
        maxValue = 500+"+";
        maxValue = ui.values[1];
        $( "#priceRange" ).val( "£" + ui.values[ 0 ] + " to £" + maxValue );

        return setAjaxRequest();

// Decoration drag image
$( "#slider-range" )

//Default this is 
    $( "#priceRange" )
    .val( "£" + $( "#slider-range" )
    .slider( "values", 0 ) + " to £" + $( "#slider-range" )
    .slider( "values", 1 )+'+');
    return true;


Try this http://touchpunch.furf.com/

I used for a project and it solved the problems i had on ipad and touch devices

Also available in cdnjs


As suggested, I used http://touchpunch.furf.com/

and it worked perfectly!

Into the HTML page I used:

<script src="_js/jquery-1.9.1.min.js"></script>
<script src="_js/jquery-ui-1.10.1.custom.min.js"></script>
<script src="_js/jquery.ui.touch-punch.min.js"></script>

JavaScript code that I used to create the Slider Range:

var slider = $( "#dv_sliderrange" ).slider({
        range: true,
        orientation: 'horizontal',
        min: 0,
        max: 10000,
        step: 10,
        values: [ 0, 10000 ],
        // Update my own form fields with the Slider values
        slide: function( event, ui ) {
            $( "#fd_amount0" ).val( "$ " + ui.values[ 0 ]);
            $( "#fd_amount1" ).val( "$ " + ui.values[ 1 ]);


Thanks a lot for the answers. I tried the solution and it was not worked for me at first.Then I realized that I have one more js file that was breaking the functionality. It was jquery progress bar js.I removed it worked perfectly.