How to get client IP address in a Firebase cloud f

2019-03-27 09:00发布


When saving data to Firebase database with a Firebase cloud function, I'd like to also write the IP address where the request comes from.

However, req.connection.remoteAddress always returns ::ffff: Is there a way to get the actual IP address of the client that makes the request?


If you are looking for the client ip thru firebase hosting you should use the header fastly-client-ip there will be the real client ip.


EDIT: This seems to be outdated. See the other answer.

The IP address seems to be available in req.headers["x-forwarded-for"]. I didn't find official information on this in the documentation, though.

Also please note that if the client itself sends e.g. X-Forwarded-For:, the values are concatenated:

"x-forwarded-for":", actual-client-ip-as-seen-by-google"