When I use the {{ site.url }}
tag for an image path inside a variable in the front matter, it doesn't get translated into HTML.
The following works perfectly:
layout: post
title: chickpea
img: <img class="caption__media" data-interchange="[../asset/img/chickpea-small.jpg (small)], [../asset/img/chickpea-medium.jpg, (medium)], [../asset/img/chickpea-large.jpg, (large)]">
This does NOT work:
layout: post
title: chickpea
img: <img class="caption__media" data-interchange="[{{site.url}}/asset/img/chickpea-small.jpg (small)], [{{site.url}}/asset/img/chickpea-medium.jpg, (medium)], [{{site.url}}/asset/img/chickpea-large.jpg, (large)]">
But when I use the same image link with the {{site.url}}
tag inside a post and not as a variable, it works.
Analysing the generated site shows that Jekyll doesn't convert the {{site.url}}
tag when I use it in the image variable defined in the front matter.
So the question is: How can I get Jekyll to translate the image path in the YAML front matter correctly?
You're mixing data and template in the yaml. Your image tag (which is a template) will be duplicated in all your posts. But the only thing you need here are your image urls.
So, in your yaml front matter, do :
layout: post
title: chickpea
small: chickpea-small.jpg
medium: chickpea-medium.jpg
large: chickpea-large.jpg
And in your layout/post.html you can add :
{% if page.img %}
<img class="caption__media" data-interchange="
{% for img in page.img %}
[{{site.baseurl}}/asset/img/{{img[1]}} ({{img[0]}})]
{% unless forloop.last %}, {% endunless %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
this code is multi-lines for demo purpose. You'd better put all on one line.
Note: I'm using {{site.baseurl}} instead of {{site.url}} because if your site is not at the root of a domain baseurl will save you from broken assets paths.
And now you have a clean separation of concerns, clear yaml front matter and maintainable code. Cool isn't it ?
I just solved the problem using this technique:
Include jekyll / liquid template data in a YAML variable?
therefore i changed the use of the variable inside the post from:
{{ post.img }}
{{ post.img | replace: '..', site.url }}
I hope this helps someone with the same problem. :)