
Visual Studio 2012/2013 Slow “List Members” Intell

2019-03-27 06:15发布


I am coding in VB.Net using Visual Studio 2012 (Premium, Update 3, ReSharper 8). I have the ReSharper intellisense deactivated and I am using the standard VS intellisense.

For a while now I have been experiencing serious intellisense performance problems. My issue appears to be specific to the "List Members" subset of intellisense. Almost every time list members intellisense is activated it is taking around 2 seconds to load and display the list. The application hangs until the member list has been displayed.

I used Process Monitor to diagnose the issue and it appears that the Visual Studio cache is performing thousands of file interactions with various files in my solution every time it displays the member list. Most of these file interactions seem to be focused around generated code from T4 templates and VS-generated designer files. I have not been able to find any information about this problem online.

Has anyone else seen this performance issue and discovered a solution to it?


I had the same problem. It would take about 10 seconds to display the intellisense menu whenever I started typing in an html tag's class (or style) attribute.

I tried deleting my .suo file. I watched VS regenerate the cache for about 30 seconds. But it still occurs; perhaps the issue for me at least was just loading the items in the intellisense list.

I disabled BrowserLink and didn't fix it.

So, I effectively turned intellisense off for HTML files by un-checking Auto List Members in the 'Text Editor | HTML | General' tab. No more annoying pause.. no more intellisense either, but for me that is just fine.


I don't have Resharper installed, and face this problem - slow intellisense only for CSS (when i trying to edit the value of class attribute, or just move caret to it, VS going mad annd slows down radically overall. Also it happens if i editing CSS files. Note that happen in a web project that use Flat Dream template. Possible i should review it and delete the CSS files that are not referenced, but what is the best way to do so if it has whole hive of CSS and LESS files....


Unfortunately the issue seems to present in VS 2013 as well - I've had a similar issue with VS2013 + ReSharper v8.0.2 and intellisense in CSS.

Using VS 2012 + ReSharper 8.0.2 on the same solution is fine.

My issue mainly seems to stem from the fact that I'm working on an ExtJS solution (which adds hundreds of .js & .css files) and VS 2013 seems to fall over with this.

You're already using VS2012 here - is the issue present with ReSharper fully uninstalled? If not, then ReSharper's your problem. If it's VS2012, then it's something else. Check all other extensions you may have installed and try disabling them.

Are you using your own T4 templates?


Anytime I experience such buggy behavior (I do C++ development) I delete the sdf file which belongs to the Solution. After deleting that file and staring visual studio over, intellisense is once again fast and smooth :)


Try this:

  1. Clean Solution.
  2. Compile the project successfully

It actually works for me when I get this issue. I am mainly developing C# projects.


I had been facing this problems since 2 weeks, finally figured it out using a Sysinternal tool called Process monitor (ProcMon.exe). The problem has to do with the automatic updates settings. I disabled it, voila, its working.

Solution: Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Extensions and Updates -> (uncheck) Automatically check for updates->OK