My view model started getting very large so I decided to split it into multiple files. I have already tried many different approaches but nothing was working.
My view model looks like:
namespace.model = function(constructorParam) {
var self = this;
self.param1 = ko.observable(constructorParam.param1);
self.param2 = ko.observable(privateFunction(constructorParam));
self.clickEvent = function() {
// do something with params
// call some private funcitons
function privateFunction(param) {
// do some stuff
function privateFunction2(param) {
// do some stuff
I need to access private functions and observable parameters across multiple files. My final model should look like this:
// file 1
// contains constructor and param initialization + many common private helper funcitons
namespace.model = function(constructorParam) {
var self = this;
self.param1 = ko.observable(constructorParam.param1);
self.param2 = ko.observable(privateFunction(constructorParam));
function privateFunction(param) {
// do some stuff
function privateFunction2(param) {
// do some stuff
// file 2
// contains event hendlers
self.clickEvent = function () {
// i need to acces properties from namespace.model
// call some private funcitons
// view model initialization
ko.applyBindings(new namespace.model(initValues));
Is it possible to achieve something like this with knockout? Thanks