I'm not used to deal with Soft and Weak references in Java but i understand the principle since i'm used to deal with datagrids like Gemfire, which provide overflow to hdd features when memory is full, probably using soft references or something similar i guess.
What i don't understand in Guava is that it provides methods to make the keys soft/weak, and the values soft/weak.
I just wonder what's the point of creating soft keys with non-soft values for exemple? I mean, when the soft references start to be collected, we can't find anymore the entry by its key, so why would we like the values to stay in the map?
Can someone give us some usecases with:
- Weak key / soft values
- Weak key / normal values
- Soft key / weak values
- Soft key / normal values
Edit I'm not sure my question is precise enough so what i'd like to know is:
- when a key is collected (weak/soft), what happens to the value (non weak/soft)
- when a value is collected (weak/soft), what happens to the key
- Are entries with a missing part (key or value) kept in the cache?
- And is there any usecase when you want such entries to stay in the cache.
Edit: As discussed on Kevin Bourillon's answer, finally i think i understand why using soft keys doesn't mean anything. Here's why:
static class KeyHolder {
final private String key;
public KeyHolder(String key) {
this.key = key;
public String getKey() {
return key;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
KeyHolder that = (KeyHolder)o;
boolean equality = this.getKey().equals(that.getKey());
return equality;
public int hashCode() {
return key != null ? key.hashCode() : 0;
public String toString() {
return "KeyHolder{" +
"key='" + key + '\'' +
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("TESTING WEAK KEYS");
testMap( new MapMaker().weakKeys().<KeyHolder,String>makeMap() );
System.out.println("TESTING SOFT KEYS");
testMap(new MapMaker().softKeys().<KeyHolder, String>makeMap());
System.out.println("TESTING SOFT REFERENCES");
KeyHolder key1 = new KeyHolder("toto");
KeyHolder key2 = new KeyHolder("toto");
SoftReference<KeyHolder> softRef1 = new SoftReference<KeyHolder>(key1);
SoftReference<KeyHolder> softRef2 = new SoftReference<KeyHolder>(key2);
System.out.println( "equals keys? " + key1.equals(key2) );
System.out.println( "equals ref? " + softRef1.equals(softRef2) );
private static void testMap(Map<KeyHolder,String> map) {
KeyHolder strongRefKey = new KeyHolder("toto");
KeyHolder noStrongRefKey = new KeyHolder("tata");
// we replace the strong reference by another key instance which is equals
// this could happen for exemple in case of serialization/deserialization of the key
noStrongRefKey = new KeyHolder("tata");
System.out.println( "strongRefKey = " + map.get(strongRefKey) );
System.out.println( "noStrongRefKey = " + map.get(noStrongRefKey) );
System.out.println( "keyset = " + map.keySet() );
This code produces the output:
strongRefKey = strongRef
noStrongRefKey = null
keyset = [KeyHolder{key='toto'}]
strongRefKey = strongRef
noStrongRefKey = null
keyset = [KeyHolder{key='tata'}, KeyHolder{key='toto'}]
toto == toto -> true
equals keys? true
equals ref? false
As you can see, with the (deprecated) soft keys map, the KeyHolder containing "tata" still exists in the map.
But notice that i'm still not able to find my entry with a newly created key "new KeyHolder("tata");
This is because, my keys are meaningfully equals, but the reference wrappers around them are not equals because their equals method is not overriden in Guava!
In this case, yes, softKeys doesn't mean anything since you absolutly need to keep an identity reference to that key to be able to retrieve it.