The Google drive v2 seams to return a full file resource by default when I preform a file.Get. However when I make the same request against V3 even though the documentation states it should return a file resource it is only returning a partial file resource.
GET /drive/v2/files/0B5pJkOVaKccEVEsybFA2WjJjQ1k?access_token={Token}
Returns the full file
"mimeType": "text/plain",
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"title": "deleteme.txt",
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"Linda Lawton"
"etag": "\"dyf6dc5nFpQUIZ2nJvOu2LyLJk8/MTQ4MTU0MTI1NzI2MQ\"",
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"createdDate": "2016-12-12T11:14:17.261Z",
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"fileExtension": "txt",
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However when I make the same request against V3
GET /drive/v3/files/0B5pJkOVaKccEVEsybFA2WjJjQ1k?access_token={Token}
It returns only partial metadata
"mimeType": "text/plain",
"kind": "drive#file",
"id": "0B5pJkOVaKccEVEsybFA2WjJjQ1k",
"name": "deleteme.txt"
I have found that by adding the fields parameter I can request additional ones from V3. however I cant seam to find a way of returning all of the fields in one request.
Selector specifying a subset of fields to include in the response.
For more information, see the partial response section in the Performance Tips document. Use for better performance.
Its one get request so I am not concerned with performance I just need to see all the data for this file.