Configuring MongoDB on Windows

2019-03-26 18:04发布


I am trying to set up MongoDB on Windows, and the online docs seem far from accurate.

Under "Configure a Windows Service" part, step 1 mentions to create a config file. Then it mentions to fill in the file with a line in the format logpath="X:\path\mongo.log". However, following the link, the config file is said to be in YAML format, which renders the previous line unreadable in YAML.

I have created a basic mongodb.cfg(.cfg or .conf??) file:

   destination: file
   path: "P:\\Servers\\MongoDB\\logs\\mongodb.log"
   quiet: true
   logAppend: true
   dbPath: "P:\\Servers\\MongoDB\\data"
      enabled: true
   port: 27017

However when I start mongod --config P:\Servers\MongoDB\mongodb.cfg, the service just won't give any output at all, and just hangs.

If I remove the dbPath line, it will just close itself with no message at all.

I have also tried to leave the mongodb.cfg file just like this:


But execution aborts complaining about any of the 2 paths, even tho they exist. Tried with single backslashes and with escaped backslashes (\\) with no success.

The only way the service works and listens for connections is to manually pass --dbpath only, and ignore any config file and logpath at all. Obviously this is not serious, as I need to keep track of the logs and also might need to change config parameters at some later point.

This is nuts... Am I missing something very basic or this docs are a real mess?


Here is my simple test MongoDB Config file for Windows. Note that I had to have 2 spaces before each property, e.g., path. When I had 3 spaces I got an error at startup.

I start the server with: mongod --config c:\tools\mongodb\db\mongod.cfg

  destination: file
  path: "C:\\tools\\mongodb\\db\\log\\mongo.log"
  logAppend: true
  dbPath: "C:\\tools\\mongodb\\db\\data"
  authorization: enabled


Here's an example of a mongodb.config file for Windows.

##store data here

##all output go here

##log read and write operations


Bit late but I had the exact same issue today. If you use forward slashes for your paths within the config file it works fine.

systemLog: destination: file logAppend: true path: "e:/mongo_data/3.6/mongo.log" storage: dbPath: "e:/mongo_data/3.6/db" engine: "wiredTiger"


check if you have any file in data\db path. Please remove all those files and try to restart. I exactly used your config file and able to start the service successfully with bindip and port


You can find logs with reasons why it's not working in log file. In your case, read P:\Servers\MongoDB\logs\mongodb.log file.