I am trying to figure out how the new version of GCM or Firebase Cloud Messaging works so I moved one of my projects to the new Firebase console, If I did not have the API KEY or I want to create a new one... where can I do it?
It's in https://console.firebase.google.com/project/(your-project-id)/settings/cloudmessaging
You can find the API KEY in:
(gear-next-to-project-name) > Project Settings > Cloud Messaging
Server Key is the API key.
STEP 1: Go to Firebase Console
STEP 2: Select your Project
STEP 3: Click on Settings icon and select Project Settings
enter here:
https: //console.firebase.google.com/project/your-project-name/overview
and click in "add firebase in your web app"(the red circle icon) this action show you a dialog with:
- apiKey
- authDomain
- databaseURL
- storageBucket
- messagingSenderId
1.Create a Firebase project in the Firebase console, if you don't already have one. If you already have an existing Google project associated with your app, click Import Google Project. Otherwise, click Create New Project.
2.Click settings and select Permissions.
3.Select Service accounts from the menu on the left.
4.Click Create service account.
- Enter a name for your service account.
- You can optionally customize the ID from the one automatically generated from the name.
- Select Furnish a new private key and leave the Key type as JSON.
- Leave Enable Google Apps Domain-wide Delegation unselected.
- Click Create.
This might be what you're looking for. This was in the tutorial on the site
Please add new api key from Firebase -> Project Settings -> Cloud Messaging -> Legacy Server Key
to the workspace file i.e google-services.json