Setting up jenkins on centos: problems with ssh ke

2019-03-26 13:33发布


Went through a lot of questions, but nothing seems to be solving my issue. Or to be more precise I am not sure if I am doing the whole thing correctly. So here it is:

Have installed centos 6.3 OS. Then I followed the following guide to install jenkins:

Jenkins works fine. Now I am trying to set up a simple build job, which requires to clone a git repository. (I've installed git plugin)

In repository URL i type the following: git@gitserver:myrepo.git Of course I get an error: stderr: Host key verification failed.

ok, I need to generate ssh keys and all will be good. So I do the following:

su - jenkins

but unfortunately it doesn't switch to jenkins user.

cat /etc/passwd

shows the following:

jenkins:x:496:492:Jenkins Continuous Build Server:/var/lib/jenkins:/bin/false

so seems that it doesn't have a usual home directory.

The question is how do I generate keys for jenkins or if the above steps where not the right way to do it, how do I fix it?

Thanks a lot!

Update: I generated keys (as a root user) and placed them in jenkins home and did exactly and copied public key to git server. Still didn't help.

When I look at the log of the build it says:

Started by user anonymous
Building in workspace /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/myrepo/workspace

this user anonymous is this another user created by jenkins, or is it still jenkins that runs the commands?


I'm assuming that you have root access if you were able to install the Jenkins RPM. Were you su-ing to the jenkins user while logged in as root ? If not, you should do so or use

sudo su - jenkins

if your logged in user has sudo access.

Then run

ssh-keygen -t rsa

to generate an RSA keypair for the jenkins user, and you can upload the public key to your git server. The key will be generated as /var/lib/jenkins/ if you take the defaults.


1 change user jenkins login setting

vi /etc/passwd

update /bin/false to /bin/bash

2 su - jenkins

jekins user home would be /var/lib/jenkins

3 ssh-keygen

cat .ssh/

copy this key to bitbucket

4 ssh

this is going to set the bitbucket ssh key in .ssh/known_hosts

Now you should be able to access


I think the .ssh directory should live in /var/lib/jenkins.

Works for me


I was having problems changing to the jenkins user. I needed to actually create the user properly in the system so I could log in to it. I ran this command to help me create the jenkins user in the system:

su -s /bin/bash jenkins


1) First make jenkins as real user by editing /etc/passwd file Change

/bin/false to /bin/bash

2) Login to jenkins user, Now Jenkins home directory will be /var/lib/jenkins

su - jenkins

3)Generate ssh keys again ( keys will be created in /var/lib/jenkins/.ssh)

ssh-keygen -t rsa

4) copy key and paste in your git's authorized_keys file

5) Still if it won't work, probably you have to check permissions of your .ssh directory and contents

chmod 700 ~/.ssh && chmod 600 ~/.ssh/*


jenkins is a service account, it doesn't have a shell by design. It is generally accepted that service accounts shouldn't be able to log in interactively.

I didn't answer this one initially as it's a duplicate of a question that has been moved to server fault. I should have answered rather than linked to the answer in a comment.

if for some reason you want to login as jenkins, you can do so with: sudo su -s /bin/bash jenkins


In order to login as "jenkins" user, maybe you could try this:

sudo -s -H -u jenkins

And try to invoke:

bash-4.1$ whoami

Hope it helps.


What I did: sudo -u jenkins ssh-keygen. It works so far