I have a data set where each samples has a structure similar to this
X=[ [[],[],[],[]], [[],[]] , [[],[],[]] ,[[][]]]
for example:
X=np.array([ [ [1,2,3], [2,4,5] ,[2,3,4] ] , [ [5,6], [6,6] ] , [[2,3,1],[2,3,10],[23,1,2],[1,4,5]] ] ,"object")
Y=np.array([ [ [12,14,15] ,[12,13,14] ] , [ [15,16], [16,16] ] , [[22,23,21],[32,33,11],[12,44,55]] ] ,"object")
so for every sample I need to calculate the dot product between every element of x with corresponding element of y of same index and sum the result. i.e:
for i in range(3):
for n,m in itertools.product(X[i],Y[i]):
print "%s, %s" % (n,m)
[1, 2, 3], [12, 14, 15]
[1, 2, 3], [12, 13, 14]
[2, 4, 5], [12, 14, 15]
[2, 4, 5], [12, 13, 14]
[2, 3, 4], [12, 14, 15]
[2, 3, 4], [12, 13, 14]
[5, 6], [15, 16]
[5, 6], [16, 16]
[6, 6], [15, 16]
[6, 6], [16, 16]
[2, 3, 1], [22, 23, 21]
[2, 3, 1], [32, 33, 11]
[2, 3, 1], [12, 44, 55]
[2, 3, 10], [22, 23, 21]
[2, 3, 10], [32, 33, 11]
[2, 3, 10], [12, 44, 55]
[23, 1, 2], [22, 23, 21]
[23, 1, 2], [32, 33, 11]
[23, 1, 2], [12, 44, 55]
[1, 4, 5], [22, 23, 21]
[1, 4, 5], [32, 33, 11]
[1, 4, 5], [12, 44, 55]
This is my whole code:
print "***build kernel***"
K = np.zeros((n_samples, n_samples))
for i in range(n_samples):
for j in range(n_samples):
K[i,j] = self.kernel(X[i], X[j])
def kernel(x1,x2):
N=8 #number of objects
for i in xrange(N):
for n,m in itertools.product(x1[i],x2[i]):
return result
as you can see the complexity of this algorithm is too high and also my samples are much bigger than this. so for even a small data set, i.e. contains 400 samples, I have to wait 4 hours to get the result. I am looking for a better way to implement this algorithm.
P.S: I was thinking about multithreading or multiproccessing but I am not sure if it helps?!
I appreciate any suggestion!
Instead of summing the dot product of each pair, which requires n * m
operations, you can sum all of the vectors in each list and just do the final dot product, which will only take n + m
def calc_slow(L1, L2):
result = 0
for n, m in itertools.product(L1, L2):
result += np.dot(n, m)
return result
def calc_fast(L1, L2):
L1_sums = np.zeros(len(L1[0]))
L2_sums = np.zeros(len(L2[0]))
for vec in L1:
L1_sums += vec
for vec in L2:
L2_sums += vec
return np.dot(L1_sums, L2_sums)
EDIT: Even faster version, taking advantage of numpy:
def calc_superfast(L1, L2):
return np.dot(np.array(L1).sum(0),
The output is the same:
print X[0], Y[0], calc_slow(X[0], Y[0])
print X[0], Y[0], calc_fast(X[0], Y[0])
[[1, 2, 3], [2, 4, 5], [2, 3, 4]] [[12, 14, 15], [12, 13, 14]] 711
[[1, 2, 3], [2, 4, 5], [2, 3, 4]] [[12, 14, 15], [12, 13, 14]] 711.0
Timing it shows that there is significant improvement. Timing code:
import random
import time
def rand_vector(size=3):
return [random.randint(1, 100) for _ in xrange(3)]
def rand_list(length=200):
return [rand_vector() for _ in xrange(length)]
print "Generating lists..."
L1 = rand_list(200)
L2 = rand_list(200)
print "Running slow..."
s = time.time()
print calc_slow(L1, L2)
print "Slow for (%d, %d) took %.2fs" % (len(L1), len(L2), time.time() - s)
print "Running fast..."
s = time.time()
print calc_fast(L1, L2)
print "Fast for (%d, %d) took %.2fs" % (len(L1), len(L2), time.time() - s)
Sample outputs:
Generating lists...
Running slow...
Slow for (100, 100) took 1.48s
Running fast...
Fast for (100, 100) took 0.03s
Generating lists...
Running slow...
Slow for (200, 200) took 5.29s
Running fast...
Fast for (200, 200) took 0.04s
Running fast...
Fast for (20000, 20000) took 1.94s
The operation for two lists of 20000 elements each only took ~2 seconds, whereas I predict it would take several hours with the old method.
The reason this works is that you can group the operations together. Assuming you have the following lists:
L1 = [a, b, c], [d, e, f], [g, h, i]
L2 = [u, v, w], [x, y, z]
Then summing the dot product of each pair would look like this:
a*u + b*v + c*w + a*x + b*y + c*z +
d*u + e*v + f*w + d*x + e*y + f*z +
g*u + h*v + i*w + g*x + h*y + i*z
You can factor out the u
, v
, w
, x
, y
, and z
u*(a + d + g) + v*(b + e + h) + w*(c + f + i) +
x*(a + d + g) + y*(b + e + h) + z*(c + f + i)
Then you can further factor out those sums:
(u + x)*(a + d + g) + (v + y)*(b + e + h) + (w + z)*(c + f + i)
Which is just the dot product of the summed vectors from each initial list.
You can also bypass the need for itertools.product
by directly doing the dot product on inner matrices:
def calc_matrix(l1, l2):
return np.array(l1).dot(np.array(l2).T).sum()
def kernel(x1, x2):
return sum(
calc_matrix(l1, l2)
for l1, l2 in zip(x1, x2)
On short lists (less than a few thousand elements) this will be faster than Claudiu's (awesome) answer. His will scale better above these numbers:
Using Claudiu's benchmarks:
# len(l1) == 500
In [9]: %timeit calc_matrix(l1, l2)
10 loops, best of 3: 8.11 ms per loop
In [10]: %timeit calc_fast(l1, l2)
10 loops, best of 3: 14.2 ms per loop
# len(l2) == 5000
In [19]: %timeit calc_matrix(l1, l2)
10 loops, best of 3: 61.2 ms per loop
In [20]: %timeit calc_fast(l1, l2)
10 loops, best of 3: 56.7 ms per loop