gitignore across all branches?

2019-03-26 08:04发布


Hey I'm trying to get into git, as an emacs user first thing to do is to make sure the ~ and #*# files are ignored by git. Documentation talks about .gitignore which I've been using. However couple of questions remain:

  • gitignore is now checked in and part of a branch. Should .gitignore be checked in and if so, how can i make it easy available across all branches in my repository?
  • is there a way to use the gitignore with git config so gitignore stays constant over all my repos?
  • How can I deal with emacs lock files as #*# is treated as a comment?

I'm on mac ox snow leopard. regards, Jeroen


Add this to your $HOME/.gitconfig ;

    excludesfile = /path/to/your/local/.gitignore

Then it'll be locally available on all your git repositories.


If you created the gitignore file before creating the branches, it's obviously available in them. Otherwise you need to merge that file to other branches.

You can define a global ignore file with git config --global core.excludesfile [ignorefile].


  • You can create a global gitignore

create a ~/.gitignore in your user directory


then run: git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore

  • Emacs files


Since 1.6.2, \ should be supported in .gitignore


  1. Check-in the .gitignore file. It is available across all the branches (unless you mess about with it) and keep it up to date with all your exclusions
  2. Use a global gitignore file.
  3. Add this to your gitignore file.


I've written about the three ways of excluding files here.


Simplest way to get that file into all branches would be probably git cherry-pick commit with .gitignore file into those branches

标签: git gitignore