i have this piece of code:
complete_results = Timeout.timeout(4) do
results = platform.search(artist, album_name)
rescue Timeout::Error
puts 'Print me something please'
I then launch the method containing this code, and well, here is the beginning of a stack trace:
Exception message : execution expired
Exception backtrace : /***/****/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.8.7-p302/lib/ruby/1.8/timeout.rb:64:i
So i naively thinks that my call timeouted. But 'Print me something please' is never printed and complete_results
wich is suppose to be the timeout status return value (either true or false, as mentionned in the documentation), is definitively not a boolean.
Am I doing something wrong?
Your code is correct
require 'timeout'
complete_results = Timeout.timeout(1) do
rescue Timeout::Error
puts 'Print me something please'
does print out "print me something please".
Try the basic code as above. If that works, you have an issue in platform.search
The problem is that platform.search
is catching the exception that Timeout#timeout throws
You can get around this by wrapping your inner code in another thread -- YMMV.
complete_results = Timeout.timeout(4) do
Thread.new{ results = platform.search(artist, album_name) }.value
rescue Timeout::Error
puts 'Print me something please'
According to the documentation:
If the block execution terminates
before sec seconds has passed, it
returns true. If not, it terminates
the execution and raises exception
(which defaults to Timeout::Error)
This means it only returns true if it's successful, otherwise the variable will not be set (ie it's nil NOT false).
As far as your example goes, it's definitely timing out for me and getting to the rescue part...