- Using AFNetworking (NSURLConnection) to access my server API
- The API needs Basic Authentication with token as username
- The API returns HTTP 401 when token is invalid
- I set the Basic Authentication headers before any request
If it returns 401, I retry like this:
AFHTTPRequestOperation *requestOperation = [MyHTTPClient.sharedClient HTTPRequestOperationWithRequest:request success:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, id responseObject) { processSuccessBlock(operation, responseObject); } failure:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, NSError *error) { processFailureBlock(operation, error); if (operation.response.statusCode == 401) [MyHTTPClient.sharedClient refreshTokenAndRetryOperation:operation success:processSuccessBlock failure:processFailureBlock]; }];
- When the server returns HTTP 401 with a Basic Authentication challenge, AFNetworking/NSURLConnection sends the identical request twice (initial request and then in answer to the authentication challenge)
- But because of the code above that I handle the HTTP 401 myself, this is totally unnecessary and I want it to stop answering the authentication challenge automatically
- Responding with
is aborting the second call, but it gives the error code -1012 (NSURLErrorUserCancelledAuthentication) instead of 401 and masks the real response
How do you disable the authentication challenge response mechanism so you get the servers response without calling it twice?