Create Firebase notification with page in foregrou

2019-03-26 01:47发布


With Firebase Cloud Messaging (for web), how can I generate the notification that appears when the webpage is closed or in the background, but when I'm actually focused on the webpage?

It's my understanding that messaging.onMessage(...) is where I handle incoming messages when the page is in focus, but I can't seem to find documentation on how I could still create the notification pop-ups as though the page were in the background.

Thanks for your time!


handle incoming messges by Notification API

messaging.onMessage(function(payload) {
    const notificationTitle = payload.notification.title;
    const notificationOptions = {
        body: payload.notification.body,
        icon: payload.notification.icon,        

    if (!("Notification" in window)) {
        console.log("This browser does not support system notifications");
    // Let's check whether notification permissions have already been granted
    else if (Notification.permission === "granted") {
        // If it's okay let's create a notification
        var notification = new Notification(notificationTitle,notificationOptions);
        notification.onclick = function(event) {
            event.preventDefault(); // prevent the browser from focusing the Notification's tab
   , '_blank');