I am currently working on an android app which is implementing the Spotify API. I have all of the code connecting my app to spotify using the tutorial and have been working on my app for sometime now. When I play a song through my app after authenticating the user, it works perfectly, that is on my emulator. When I switch it over to my phone it didn't work and gave me an INVALID_APP_ID error in the android response. When I uninstalled spotify off my phone and then tried to login to spotify through my app, I was then able to play music from my phone without any crashes. So my question is how do I fix that? Here is my code for authenticating a user:
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent intent) {
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, intent);
// Check if result comes from the correct activity
if (requestCode == requestcode) {
AuthenticationResponse response = AuthenticationClient.getResponse(resultCode, intent);
if (response.getType() == AuthenticationResponse.Type.TOKEN) {
Config playerConfig = new Config(this, response.getAccessToken(), client_id);
token = response.getAccessToken();
Spotify.getPlayer(playerConfig, this, new Player.InitializationObserver() {
public void onInitialized(Player player) {
mPlayer = player;
public void onError(Throwable throwable) {
Log.e("MainActivity", "Could not initialize player: " + throwable.getMessage());