I\'ve had this sitting around for awhile and finally got around to posting it.
A few more methods compared to the double-word at a time hopman_fast. The results are for the GCC\'s short-string-optimized std::string as otherwise performance differences get obscured by the overhead of the copy-on-write string management code. Throughput is measured the same way as elsewhere in this topic, cycle counts are for the raw serialization parts of the code prior to copying the output buffer into a string.
HOPMAN_FAST - performance reference
TM_CPP, TM_VEC - scalar and vector versions of Terje Mathisen algorithm
WM_VEC - intrinsics implementation of Wojciech Mula\'s vector algorithm
AK_BW - word-at-a-time routine with a jump table that fills a buffer in reverse
AK_FW - forward-stepping word-at-a-time routine with a jump table in assembly
AK_UNROLLED - generic word-at-a-time routine that uses an unrolled loop
Compile-time switches:
-DVSTRING - enables SSO strings for older GCC setups
-DBSR1 - enables fast log10
-DRDTSC - enables cycle counters
#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <climits>
#include <sstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
#include <limits>
#include <ctime>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <x86intrin.h>
/* Uncomment to run */
// #define HOPMAN_FAST
// #define TM_CPP
// #define TM_VEC
// #define WM_VEC
// #define AK_UNROLLED
// #define AK_BW
// #define AK_FW
using namespace std;
#ifdef VSTRING
#include <ext/vstring.h>
typedef __gnu_cxx::__vstring string_type;
typedef string string_type;
namespace detail {
#ifdef __GNUC__
#define ALIGN(N) __attribute__ ((aligned(N)))
#define PACK __attribute__ ((packed))
inline size_t num_digits(unsigned u) {
struct {
uint32_t count;
uint32_t max;
} static digits[32] ALIGN(64) = {
{ 1, 9 }, { 1, 9 }, { 1, 9 }, { 1, 9 },
{ 2, 99 }, { 2, 99 }, { 2, 99 },
{ 3, 999 }, { 3, 999 }, { 3, 999 },
{ 4, 9999 }, { 4, 9999 }, { 4, 9999 }, { 4, 9999 },
{ 5, 99999 }, { 5, 99999 }, { 5, 99999 },
{ 6, 999999 }, { 6, 999999 }, { 6, 999999 },
{ 7, 9999999 }, { 7, 9999999 }, { 7, 9999999 }, { 7, 9999999 },
{ 8, 99999999 }, { 8, 99999999 }, { 8, 99999999 },
{ 9, 999999999 }, { 9, 999999999 }, { 9, 999999999 },
{ 10, UINT_MAX }, { 10, UINT_MAX }
#if (defined(i386) || defined(__x86_64__)) && (defined(BSR1) || defined(BSR2))
size_t l = u;
#if defined(BSR1)
__asm__ __volatile__ (
\"bsrl %k0, %k0 \\n\\t\"
\"shlq $32, %q1 \\n\\t\"
\"movq %c2(,%0,8), %0\\n\\t\"
\"cmpq %0, %q1 \\n\\t\"
\"seta %b1 \\n\\t\"
\"addl %1, %k0 \\n\\t\"
: \"+r\" (l), \"+r\"(u)
: \"i\"(digits)
: \"cc\"
return l;
__asm__ __volatile__ ( \"bsr %0, %0;\" : \"+r\" (l) );
return digits[l].count + ( u > digits[l].max );
size_t l = (u != 0) ? 31 - __builtin_clz(u) : 0;
return digits[l].count + ( u > digits[l].max );
inline unsigned msb_u32(unsigned x) {
static const unsigned bval[] = { 0,1,2,2,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4 };
unsigned base = 0;
if (x & (unsigned) 0xFFFF0000) { base += 32/2; x >>= 32/2; }
if (x & (unsigned) 0x0000FF00) { base += 32/4; x >>= 32/4; }
if (x & (unsigned) 0x000000F0) { base += 32/8; x >>= 32/8; }
return base + bval[x];
inline size_t num_digits(unsigned x) {
static const unsigned powertable[] = {
0,10,100,1000,10000,100000,1000000,10000000,100000000, 1000000000 };
size_t lg_ten = msb_u32(x) * 1233 >> 12;
size_t adjust = (x >= powertable[lg_ten]);
return lg_ten + adjust;
#endif /* __GNUC__ */
struct CharBuffer {
class reverse_iterator : public iterator<random_access_iterator_tag, char> {
char* m_p;
reverse_iterator(char* p) : m_p(p - 1) {}
reverse_iterator operator++() { return --m_p; }
reverse_iterator operator++(int) { return m_p--; }
char operator*() const { return *m_p; }
bool operator==( reverse_iterator it) const { return m_p == it.m_p; }
bool operator!=( reverse_iterator it) const { return m_p != it.m_p; }
difference_type operator-( reverse_iterator it) const { return it.m_p - m_p; }
union PairTable {
char c[2];
unsigned short u;
} PACK table[100] ALIGN(1024) = {
} // namespace detail
struct progress_timer {
clock_t c;
progress_timer() : c(clock()) {}
int elapsed() { return clock() - c; }
~progress_timer() {
clock_t d = clock() - c;
cout << d / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << \".\"
<< (((d * 1000) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC) % 1000 / 100)
<< (((d * 1000) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC) % 100 / 10)
<< (((d * 1000) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC) % 10)
<< \" s\" << endl;
namespace hopman_fast {
static unsigned long cpu_cycles = 0;
struct itostr_helper {
static ALIGN(1024) unsigned out[10000];
itostr_helper() {
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
unsigned v = i;
char * o = (char*)(out + i);
o[3] = v % 10 + \'0\';
o[2] = (v % 100) / 10 + \'0\';
o[1] = (v % 1000) / 100 + \'0\';
o[0] = (v % 10000) / 1000;
if (o[0]) o[0] |= 0x30;
else if (o[1] != \'0\') o[0] |= 0x20;
else if (o[2] != \'0\') o[0] |= 0x10;
else o[0] |= 0x00;
unsigned itostr_helper::out[10000];
itostr_helper hlp_init;
template <typename T>
string_type itostr(T o) {
typedef itostr_helper hlp;
#ifdef RDTSC
long first_clock = __rdtsc();
unsigned blocks[3], *b = blocks + 2;
blocks[0] = o < 0 ? ~o + 1 : o;
blocks[2] = blocks[0] % 10000; blocks[0] /= 10000;
blocks[2] = hlp::out[blocks[2]];
if (blocks[0]) {
blocks[1] = blocks[0] % 10000; blocks[0] /= 10000;
blocks[1] = hlp::out[blocks[1]];
blocks[2] |= 0x30303030;
if (blocks[0]) {
blocks[0] = hlp::out[blocks[0] % 10000];
blocks[1] |= 0x30303030;
char* f = ((char*)b);
f += 3 - (*f >> 4);
char* str = (char*)blocks;
if (o < 0) *--f = \'-\';
str += 12;
#ifdef RDTSC
cpu_cycles += __rdtsc() - first_clock;
return string_type(f, str);
unsigned long cycles() { return cpu_cycles; }
void reset() { cpu_cycles = 0; }
namespace ak {
namespace unrolled {
static unsigned long cpu_cycles = 0;
template <typename value_type> class Proxy {
static const size_t MaxValueSize = 16;
static inline char* generate(int value, char* buffer) {
union { char* pc; unsigned short* pu; } b = { buffer + MaxValueSize };
unsigned u, v = value < 0 ? unsigned(~value) + 1 : value;
*--b.pu = detail::table[v % 100].u; u = v;
if ((v /= 100)) {
*--b.pu = detail::table[v % 100].u; u = v;
if ((v /= 100)) {
*--b.pu = detail::table[v % 100].u; u = v;
if ((v /= 100)) {
*--b.pu = detail::table[v % 100].u; u = v;
if ((v /= 100)) {
*--b.pu = detail::table[v % 100].u; u = v;
} } } }
*(b.pc -= (u >= 10)) = \'-\';
return b.pc + (value >= 0);
static inline char* generate(unsigned value, char* buffer) {
union { char* pc; unsigned short* pu; } b = { buffer + MaxValueSize };
unsigned u, v = value;
*--b.pu = detail::table[v % 100].u; u = v;
if ((v /= 100)) {
*--b.pu = detail::table[v % 100].u; u = v;
if ((v /= 100)) {
*--b.pu = detail::table[v % 100].u; u = v;
if ((v /= 100)) {
*--b.pu = detail::table[v % 100].u; u = v;
if ((v /= 100)) {
*--b.pu = detail::table[v % 100].u; u = v;
} } } }
return b.pc + (u < 10);
static inline string_type convert(value_type v) {
char buf[MaxValueSize];
#ifdef RDTSC
long first_clock = __rdtsc();
char* p = generate(v, buf);
char* e = buf + MaxValueSize;
#ifdef RDTSC
cpu_cycles += __rdtsc() - first_clock;
return string_type(p, e);
string_type itostr(int i) { return Proxy<int>::convert(i); }
string_type itostr(unsigned i) { return Proxy<unsigned>::convert(i); }
unsigned long cycles() { return cpu_cycles; }
void reset() { cpu_cycles = 0; }
#if defined(AK_BW)
namespace bw {
static unsigned long cpu_cycles = 0;
typedef uint64_t u_type;
template <typename value_type> class Proxy {
static inline void generate(unsigned v, size_t len, char* buffer) {
u_type u = v;
switch(len) {
default: u = (v * 1374389535ULL) >> 37; *(uint16_t*)(buffer + 8) = detail::table[v -= 100 * u].u;
case 8: v = (u * 1374389535ULL) >> 37; *(uint16_t*)(buffer + 6) = detail::table[u -= 100 * v].u;
case 6: u = (v * 1374389535ULL) >> 37; *(uint16_t*)(buffer + 4) = detail::table[v -= 100 * u].u;
case 4: v = (u * 167773) >> 24; *(uint16_t*)(buffer + 2) = detail::table[u -= 100 * v].u;
case 2: *(uint16_t*)buffer = detail::table[v].u;
case 0: return;
case 9: u = (v * 1374389535ULL) >> 37; *(uint16_t*)(buffer + 7) = detail::table[v -= 100 * u].u;
case 7: v = (u * 1374389535ULL) >> 37; *(uint16_t*)(buffer + 5) = detail::table[u -= 100 * v].u;
case 5: u = (v * 1374389535ULL) >> 37; *(uint16_t*)(buffer + 3) = detail::table[v -= 100 * u].u;
case 3: v = (u * 167773) >> 24; *(uint16_t*)(buffer + 1) = detail::table[u -= 100 * v].u;
case 1: *buffer = v + 0x30;
static inline string_type convert(bool neg, unsigned val) {
char buf[16];
#ifdef RDTSC
long first_clock = __rdtsc();
size_t len = detail::num_digits(val);
buf[0] = \'-\';
char* e = buf + neg;
generate(val, len, e);
e += len;
#ifdef RDTSC
cpu_cycles += __rdtsc() - first_clock;
return string_type(buf, e);
string_type itostr(int i) { return Proxy<int>::convert(i < 0, i < 0 ? unsigned(~i) + 1 : i); }
string_type itostr(unsigned i) { return Proxy<unsigned>::convert(false, i); }
unsigned long cycles() { return cpu_cycles; }
void reset() { cpu_cycles = 0; }
#if defined(AK_FW)
namespace fw {
static unsigned long cpu_cycles = 0;
typedef uint32_t u_type;
template <typename value_type> class Proxy {
static inline void generate(unsigned v, size_t len, char* buffer) {
#if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__x86_64__)
uint16_t w;
uint32_t u;
__asm__ __volatile__ (
\"jmp %*T%=(,%3,8) \\n\\t\"
\"T%=: .quad L0%= \\n\\t\"
\" .quad L1%= \\n\\t\"
\" .quad L2%= \\n\\t\"
\" .quad L3%= \\n\\t\"
\" .quad L4%= \\n\\t\"
\" .quad L5%= \\n\\t\"
\" .quad L6%= \\n\\t\"
\" .quad L7%= \\n\\t\"
\" .quad L8%= \\n\\t\"
\" .quad L9%= \\n\\t\"
\" .quad L10%= \\n\\t\"
\"L10%=: \\n\\t\"
\" imulq $1441151881, %q0, %q1\\n\\t\"
\" shrq $57, %q1 \\n\\t\"
\" movw %c5(,%q1,2), %w2 \\n\\t\"
\" imull $100000000, %1, %1 \\n\\t\"
\" subl %1, %0 \\n\\t\"
\" movw %w2, (%4) \\n\\t\"
\"L8%=: \\n\\t\"
\" imulq $1125899907, %q0, %q1\\n\\t\"
\" shrq $50, %q1 \\n\\t\"
\" movw %c5(,%q1,2), %w2 \\n\\t\"
\" imull $1000000, %1, %1 \\n\\t\"
\" subl %1, %0 \\n\\t\"
\" movw %w2, -8(%4,%3) \\n\\t\"
\"L6%=: \\n\\t\"
\" imulq $429497, %q0, %q1 \\n\\t\"
\" shrq $32, %q1 \\n\\t\"
\" movw %c5(,%q1,2), %w2 \\n\\t\"
\" imull $10000, %1, %1 \\n\\t\"
\" subl %1, %0 \\n\\t\"
\" movw %w2, -6(%4,%3) \\n\\t\"
\"L4%=: \\n\\t\"
\" imull $167773, %0, %1 \\n\\t\"
\" shrl $24, %1 \\n\\t\"
\" movw %c5(,%q1,2), %w2 \\n\\t\"
\" imull $100, %1, %1 \\n\\t\"
\" subl %1, %0 \\n\\t\"
\" movw %w2, -4(%4,%3) \\n\\t\"
\"L2%=: \\n\\t\"
\" movw %c5(,%q0,2), %w2 \\n\\t\"
\" movw %w2, -2(%4,%3) \\n\\t\"
\"L0%=: jmp 1f \\n\\t\"
\"L9%=: \\n\\t\"
\" imulq $1801439851, %q0, %q1\\n\\t\"
\" shrq $54, %q1 \\n\\t\"
\" movw %c5(,%q1,2), %w2 \\n\\t\"
\" imull $10000000, %1, %1 \\n\\t\"
\" subl %1, %0 \\n\\t\"
\" movw %w2, (%4) \\n\\t\"
\"L7%=: \\n\\t\"
\" imulq $43980466, %q0, %q1 \\n\\t\"
\" shrq $42, %q1 \\n\\t\"
\" movw %c5(,%q1,2), %w2 \\n\\t\"
\" imull $100000, %1, %1 \\n\\t\"
\" subl %1, %0 \\n\\t\"
\" movw %w2, -7(%4,%3) \\n\\t\"
\"L5%=: \\n\\t\"
\" imulq $268436, %q0, %q1 \\n\\t\"
\" shrq $28, %q1 \\n\\t\"
\" movw %c5(,%q1,2), %w2 \\n\\t\"
\" imull $1000, %1, %1 \\n\\t\"
\" subl %1, %0 \\n\\t\"
\" movw %w2, -5(%4,%3) \\n\\t\"
\"L3%=: \\n\\t\"
\" imull $6554, %0, %1 \\n\\t\"
\" shrl $15, %1 \\n\\t\"
\" andb $254, %b1 \\n\\t\"
\" movw %c5(,%q1), %w2 \\n\\t\"
\" leal (%1,%1,4), %1 \\n\\t\"
\" subl %1, %0 \\n\\t\"
\" movw %w2, -3(%4,%3) \\n\\t\"
\"L1%=: \\n\\t\"
\" addl $48, %0 \\n\\t\"
\" movb %b0, -1(%4,%3) \\n\\t\"
\"1: \\n\\t\"
: \"+r\"(v), \"=&q\"(u), \"=&r\"(w)
: \"r\"(len), \"r\"(buffer), \"i\"(detail::table)
: \"memory\", \"cc\"
u_type u;
switch(len) {
default: u = (v * 1441151881ULL) >> 57; *(uint16_t*)(buffer) = detail::table[u].u; v -= u * 100000000;
case 8: u = (v * 1125899907ULL) >> 50; *(uint16_t*)(buffer + len - 8) = detail::table[u].u; v -= u * 1000000;
case 6: u = (v * 429497ULL) >> 32; *(uint16_t*)(buffer + len - 6) = detail::table[u].u; v -= u * 10000;
case 4: u = (v * 167773) >> 24; *(uint16_t*)(buffer + len - 4) = detail::table[u].u; v -= u * 100;
case 2: *(uint16_t*)(buffer + len - 2) = detail::table[v].u;
case 0: return;
case 9: u = (v * 1801439851ULL) >> 54; *(uint16_t*)(buffer) = detail::table[u].u; v -= u * 10000000;
case 7: u = (v * 43980466ULL) >> 42; *(uint16_t*)(buffer + len - 7) = detail::table[u].u; v -= u * 100000;
case 5: u = (v * 268436ULL) >> 28; *(uint16_t*)(buffer + len - 5) = detail::table[u].u; v -= u * 1000;
case 3: u = (v * 6554) >> 16; *(uint16_t*)(buffer + len - 3) = detail::table[u].u; v -= u * 10;
case 1: *(buffer + len - 1) = v + 0x30;
static inline string_type convert(bool neg, unsigned val) {
char buf[16];
#ifdef RDTSC
long first_clock = __rdtsc();
size_t len = detail::num_digits(val);
if (neg) buf[0] = \'-\';
char* e = buf + len + neg;
generate(val, len, buf + neg);
#ifdef RDTSC
cpu_cycles += __rdtsc() - first_clock;
return string_type(buf, e);
string_type itostr(int i) { return Proxy<int>::convert(i < 0, i < 0 ? unsigned(~i) + 1 : i); }
string_type itostr(unsigned i) { return Proxy<unsigned>::convert(false, i); }
unsigned long cycles() { return cpu_cycles; }
void reset() { cpu_cycles = 0; }
} // ak
namespace wm {
#ifdef WM_VEC
#if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__x86_64__)
namespace vec {
static unsigned long cpu_cycles = 0;
template <typename value_type> class Proxy {
static inline unsigned generate(unsigned v, char* buf) {
static struct {
unsigned short mul_10[8];
unsigned short div_const[8];
unsigned short shl_const[8];
unsigned char to_ascii[16];
} ALIGN(64) bits =
{ // mul_10
10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10
{ // div_const
8389, 5243, 13108, 0x8000, 8389, 5243, 13108, 0x8000
{ // shl_const
1 << (16 - (23 + 2 - 16)),
1 << (16 - (19 + 2 - 16)),
1 << (16 - 1 - 2),
1 << (15),
1 << (16 - (23 + 2 - 16)),
1 << (16 - (19 + 2 - 16)),
1 << (16 - 1 - 2),
1 << (15)
{ // to_ascii
\'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'0\',
\'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'0\'
unsigned x, y, l;
x = (v * 1374389535ULL) >> 37;
y = v;
l = 0;
if (x) {
unsigned div = 0xd1b71759;
unsigned mul = 55536;
__m128i z, m, a, o;
y -= 100 * x;
z = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(x);
m = _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)bits.mul_10);
o = _mm_mul_epu32( z, _mm_cvtsi32_si128(div));
z = _mm_add_epi32( z, _mm_mul_epu32( _mm_cvtsi32_si128(mul), _mm_srli_epi64( o, 45) ) );
z = _mm_slli_epi64( _mm_shuffle_epi32( _mm_unpacklo_epi16(z, z), 5 ), 2 );
a = _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)bits.to_ascii);
z = _mm_mulhi_epu16( _mm_mulhi_epu16( z, *(__m128i*)bits.div_const ), *(__m128i*)bits.shl_const );
z = _mm_sub_epi16( z, _mm_slli_epi64( _mm_mullo_epi16( m, z ), 16 ) );
z = _mm_add_epi8( _mm_packus_epi16( z, _mm_xor_si128(o, o) ), a );
x = __builtin_ctz( ~_mm_movemask_epi8( _mm_cmpeq_epi8( a, z ) ) );
l = 8 - x;
uint64_t q = _mm_cvtsi128_si64(z) >> (x * 8);
*(uint64_t*)buf = q;
buf += l;
x = 1;
v = (y * 6554) >> 16;
l += 1 + (x | (v != 0));
*(unsigned short*)buf = 0x30 + ((l > 1) ? ((0x30 + y - v * 10) << 8) + v : y);
return l;
static inline string_type convert(bool neg, unsigned val) {
char buf[16];
#ifdef RDTSC
long first_clock = __rdtsc();
buf[0] = \'-\';
unsigned len = generate(val, buf + neg);
char* e = buf + len + neg;
#ifdef RDTSC
cpu_cycles += __rdtsc() - first_clock;
return string_type(buf, e);
inline string_type itostr(int i) { return Proxy<int>::convert(i < 0, i < 0 ? unsigned(~i) + 1 : i); }
inline string_type itostr(unsigned i) { return Proxy<unsigned>::convert(false, i); }
unsigned long cycles() { return cpu_cycles; }
void reset() { cpu_cycles = 0; }
} // wm
namespace tmn {
#ifdef TM_CPP
namespace cpp {
static unsigned long cpu_cycles = 0;
template <typename value_type> class Proxy {
static inline void generate(unsigned v, char* buffer) {
unsigned const f1_10000 = (1 << 28) / 10000;
unsigned tmplo, tmphi;
unsigned lo = v % 100000;
unsigned hi = v / 100000;
tmplo = lo * (f1_10000 + 1) - (lo >> 2);
tmphi = hi * (f1_10000 + 1) - (hi >> 2);
unsigned mask = 0x0fffffff;
unsigned shift = 28;
for(size_t i = 0; i < 5; i++)
buffer[i + 0] = \'0\' + (char)(tmphi >> shift);
buffer[i + 5] = \'0\' + (char)(tmplo >> shift);
tmphi = (tmphi & mask) * 5;
tmplo = (tmplo & mask) * 5;
mask >>= 1;
static inline string_type convert(bool neg, unsigned val) {
#ifdef RDTSC
long first_clock = __rdtsc();
char buf[16];
size_t len = detail::num_digits(val);
char* e = buf + 11;
generate(val, buf + 1);
buf[10 - len] = \'-\';
len += neg;
char* b = e - len;
#ifdef RDTSC
cpu_cycles += __rdtsc() - first_clock;
return string_type(b, e);
string_type itostr(int i) { return Proxy<int>::convert(i < 0, i < 0 ? unsigned(~i) + 1 : i); }
string_type itostr(unsigned i) { return Proxy<unsigned>::convert(false, i); }
unsigned long cycles() { return cpu_cycles; }
void reset() { cpu_cycles = 0; }
#ifdef TM_VEC
namespace vec {
static unsigned long cpu_cycles = 0;
template <typename value_type> class Proxy {
static inline unsigned generate(unsigned val, char* buffer) {
static struct {
unsigned char mul_10[16];
unsigned char to_ascii[16];
unsigned char gather[16];
unsigned char shift[16];
} ALIGN(64) bits = {
{ 10,0,0,0,10,0,0,0,10,0,0,0,10,0,0,0 },
{ \'0\',\'0\',\'0\',\'0\',\'0\',\'0\',\'0\',\'0\',\'0\',\'0\',\'0\',\'0\',\'0\',\'0\',\'0\',\'0\' },
{ 3,5,6,7,9,10,11,13,14,15,0,0,0,0,0,0 },
{ 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15 }
unsigned u = val / 1000000;
unsigned l = val - u * 1000000;
__m128i x, h, f, m, n;
n = _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)bits.mul_10);
x = _mm_set_epi64x( l, u );
h = _mm_mul_epu32( x, _mm_set1_epi32(4294968) );
x = _mm_sub_epi64( x, _mm_srli_epi64( _mm_mullo_epi32( h, _mm_set1_epi32(1000) ), 32 ) );
f = _mm_set1_epi32((1 << 28) / 1000 + 1);
m = _mm_srli_epi32( _mm_cmpeq_epi32(m, m), 4 );
x = _mm_shuffle_epi32( _mm_blend_epi16( x, h, 204 ), 177 );
f = _mm_sub_epi32( _mm_mullo_epi32(f, x), _mm_srli_epi32(x, 2) );
h = _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)bits.to_ascii);
x = _mm_srli_epi32(f, 28);
f = _mm_mullo_epi32( _mm_and_si128( f, m ), n );
x = _mm_or_si128( x, _mm_slli_epi32(_mm_srli_epi32(f, 28), 8) );
f = _mm_mullo_epi32( _mm_and_si128( f, m ), n );
x = _mm_or_si128( x, _mm_slli_epi32(_mm_srli_epi32(f, 28), 16) );
f = _mm_mullo_epi32( _mm_and_si128( f, m ), n );
x = _mm_or_si128( x, _mm_slli_epi32(_mm_srli_epi32(f, 28), 24) );
x = _mm_add_epi8( _mm_shuffle_epi8(x, *(__m128i*)bits.gather), h );
l = __builtin_ctz( ~_mm_movemask_epi8( _mm_cmpeq_epi8( h, x ) ) | (1 << 9) );
x = _mm_shuffle_epi8( x, _mm_add_epi8(*(__m128i*)bits.shift, _mm_set1_epi8(l) ) );
_mm_store_si128( (__m128i*)buffer, x );
return 10 - l;
static inline string_type convert(bool neg, unsigned val) {
#ifdef RDTSC
long first_clock = __rdtsc();
char arena[32];
char* buf = (char*)((uintptr_t)(arena + 16) & ~(uintptr_t)0xf);
*(buf - 1)= \'-\';
unsigned len = generate(val, buf) + neg;
buf -= neg;
char* end = buf + len;
#ifdef RDTSC
cpu_cycles += __rdtsc() - first_clock;
return string_type(buf, end);
string_type itostr(int i) { return Proxy<int>::convert(i < 0, i < 0 ? unsigned(~i) + 1 : i); }
string_type itostr(unsigned i) { return Proxy<unsigned>::convert(false, i); }
unsigned long cycles() { return cpu_cycles; }
void reset() { cpu_cycles = 0; }
bool fail(string in, string_type out) {
cout << \"failure: \" << in << \" => \" << out << endl;
return false;
#define TEST(x, n) \\
stringstream ss; \\
string_type s = n::itostr(x); \\
ss << (long long)x; \\
if (::strcmp(ss.str().c_str(), s.c_str())) { \\
passed = fail(ss.str(), s); \\
break; \\
#define test(x) { \\
passed = true; \\
if (0 && passed) { \\
char c = CHAR_MIN; \\
do { \\
TEST(c, x); \\
} while (c++ != CHAR_MAX); \\
if (!passed) cout << #x << \" failed char!!!\" << endl; \\
} \\
if (0 && passed) { \\
short c = numeric_limits<short>::min(); \\
do { \\
TEST(c, x); \\
} while (c++ != numeric_limits<short>::max()); \\
if (!passed) cout << #x << \" failed short!!!\" << endl; \\
} \\
if (passed) { \\
int c = numeric_limits<int>::min(); \\
do { \\
TEST(c, x); \\
} while ((c += 100000) < numeric_limits<int>::max() - 100000); \\
if (!passed) cout << #x << \" failed int!!!\" << endl; \\
} \\
if (passed) { \\
unsigned c = numeric_limits<unsigned>::max(); \\
do { \\
TEST(c, x); \\
} while ((c -= 100000) > 100000); \\
if (!passed) cout << #x << \" failed unsigned int!!!\" << endl; \\
} \\
#define time(x, N) \\
if (passed) { \\
static const int64_t limits[] = \\
{0, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, \\
1000000, 10000000, 100000000, 1000000000, 10000000000ULL }; \\
long passes = 0; \\
cout << #x << \": \"; \\
progress_timer t; \\
uint64_t s = 0; \\
if (do_time) { \\
for (int n = 0; n < N1; n++) { \\
int i = 0; \\
while (i < N2) { \\
int v = ((NM - i) % limits[N]) | (limits[N] / 10); \\
int w = x::itostr(v).size() + \\
x::itostr(-v).size(); \\
i += w * mult; \\
passes++; \\
} \\
s += i / mult; \\
} \\
} \\
k += s; \\
cout << N << \" digits: \" \\
<< s / double(t.elapsed()) * CLOCKS_PER_SEC/1000000 << \" MB/sec, \" << (x::cycles() / passes >> 1) << \" clocks per pass \"; \\
x::reset(); \\
#define series(n) \\
{ if (do_test) test(n); if (do_time) time(n, 1); if (do_time) time(n, 2); \\
if (do_time) time(n, 3); if (do_time) time(n, 4); if (do_time) time(n, 5); \\
if (do_time) time(n, 6); if (do_time) time(n, 7); if (do_time) time(n, 8); \\
if (do_time) time(n, 9); if (do_time) time(n, 10); }
int N1 = 1, N2 = 500000000, NM = INT_MAX;
int mult = 1; // used to stay under timelimit on ideone
unsigned long long k = 0;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
bool do_time = 1, do_test = 1;
bool passed = true;
#ifdef WM_VEC
#ifdef TM_CPP
#ifdef TM_VEC
#if defined(AK_BW)
#if defined(AK_FW)
return k;
I believe I have created the fastest integer-to-string algorithm. It\'s a variation of the Modulo 100 algorithm that is about 33% faster, and most importantly it\'s faster for both smaller and large numbers. It\'s called the Script ItoS Algorithm. To read the paper that explains how I engineered the algorithm @see https://github.com/kabuki-starship/kabuki-toolkit/wiki/Engineering-a-Faster-Integer-to-String-Algorithm. You may use the algorithm but please think about contributing back to the Kabuki VM and check out Script; especially if you\'re interested in AMIL-NLP and/or software-defined networking protocols.
/** Kabuki Toolkit
@version 0.x
@file ~/source/crabs/print_itos.cc
@author Cale McCollough <cale.mccollough@gmail.com>
@license Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Cale McCollough <calemccollough@gmail.com>;
All right reserved (R). Licensed under the Apache License, Version
2.0 (the \"License\"); you may not use this file except in
compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License
[here](http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). Unless
required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,
implied. See the License for the specific language governing
permissions and limitations under the License.
#include <stdafx.h>
#include \"print_itos.h\"
#if MAJOR_SEAM >= 1 && MINOR_SEAM >= 1
#if MAJOR_SEAM == 1 && MINOR_SEAM == 1
#define DEBUG 1
#define PRINTF(format, ...) printf(format, __VA_ARGS__);
#define PUTCHAR(c) putchar(c);
sprintf_s (buffer, 24, \"%u\", value); *text_end = 0;\\
printf (\"\\n Printed \\\"%s\\\" leaving value:\\\"%s\\\":%u\",\\
begin, buffer, (uint)strlen (buffer));
#define PRINT_BINARY PrintBinary (value);
#define PRINT_BINARY_TABLE PrintBinaryTable (value);
#define PRINTF(x, ...)
#define PUTCHAR(c)
namespace _ {
void PrintLine (char c) {
std::cout << \'\\n\';
for (int i = 80; i > 0; --i)
std::cout << c;
char* Print (uint32_t value, char* text, char* text_end) {
// Lookup table for powers of 10.
static const uint32_t k10ToThe[]{
1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, 10000000, 100000000,
1000000000, ~(uint32_t)0 };
/** Lookup table of ASCII char pairs for 00, 01, ..., 99.
To convert this algorithm to big-endian, flip the digit pair bytes. */
static const uint16_t kDigits00To99[100] = {
0x3030, 0x3130, 0x3230, 0x3330, 0x3430, 0x3530, 0x3630, 0x3730, 0x3830,
0x3930, 0x3031, 0x3131, 0x3231, 0x3331, 0x3431, 0x3531, 0x3631, 0x3731,
0x3831, 0x3931, 0x3032, 0x3132, 0x3232, 0x3332, 0x3432, 0x3532, 0x3632,
0x3732, 0x3832, 0x3932, 0x3033, 0x3133, 0x3233, 0x3333, 0x3433, 0x3533,
0x3633, 0x3733, 0x3833, 0x3933, 0x3034, 0x3134, 0x3234, 0x3334, 0x3434,
0x3534, 0x3634, 0x3734, 0x3834, 0x3934, 0x3035, 0x3135, 0x3235, 0x3335,
0x3435, 0x3535, 0x3635, 0x3735, 0x3835, 0x3935, 0x3036, 0x3136, 0x3236,
0x3336, 0x3436, 0x3536, 0x3636, 0x3736, 0x3836, 0x3936, 0x3037, 0x3137,
0x3237, 0x3337, 0x3437, 0x3537, 0x3637, 0x3737, 0x3837,