GraphQL Expected Iterable, but did not find one fo

2019-03-25 20:50发布


I'm currently trying GraphQL with NodeJS and I don't know, why this error occurs with the following query:

    user {

I am not sure if the type of my resolveLibrary is right, because at any example I had a look at they used new GraphQL.GraphQLList(), but in my case I really want to return a single user object, not an array of users.

My code:

const GraphQL = require('graphql');
const DB = require('../database/db');
const user = require('./user').type;

const library = new GraphQL.GraphQLObjectType({
    name: 'library',
    description: `This represents a user's library`,
    fields: () => {
        return {
            name: {
                type: GraphQL.GraphQLString,
                resolve(library) {
            user: {
                type: user,
                resolve(library) {
                    return library.user

const resolveLibrary = {
    type: library,
    resolve(root) {
        return {
            name: 'My fancy library',
            user: {
                name: 'User name',
                email: {
                    email: ''

module.exports = resolveLibrary;


Error: Expected Iterable, but did not find one for field library.user.

So my library schema provides a user field which returns the right data (the console.log is called).


I ran into this problem as well but it seems quite obvious why this happens. It appears that what you're returning from your resolver doesn't match the return type in your schema.

Specifically for the error message Expected Iterable, but did not find one for field library.user., your schema expects an array(Iterable) but you aren't returning an array in your resolver

I had this in my schema.js:

login(email: String, password: String): [SuccessfulLogin]

I changed that to:

login(email: String, password: String): SuccessfulLogin

Notice the square brackets around "SuccessfulLogin". It's upto you whether you want to update the resolver return type or update the schema's expectations


I guess your user is an instance of GraphQLList that is why the field user is expecting to resolve to an iterable object.


I had the same problem. I was using find instead filter.