I need to be able to trigger a event whenever an object is added to a Queue<Delegate>
I created a new class that extends Queue
public delegate void ChangedEventHandler(object sender, EventArgs e);
public class QueueWithChange<Delegate> : Queue<Delegate>
public event ChangedEventHandler Changed;
protected virtual void OnChanged(EventArgs e) {
if (Changed != null)
Changed(this, e);
And then attached the event from another class, like such:
QueueWithChange<TimerDelegate> eventQueue = new QueueWithChange<TimerDelegate>();
eventQueue.Changed += new ChangedEventHandler(delegate(object s, EventArgs ex) {
//This event is not being triggered, so this code is unreachable atm...and that is my problem
if (eventQueue.Count > 0)
eventQueue.Dequeue().Invoke(new DispatcherTimer() { Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(5) });
But whenever I enqueue an object (eventQueue.Enqueue(something)
), the attached event is not being fired.
What am I missing here?
If you mean the non-generic Queue
class, then you can just override Enqueue
public override void Enqueue(object obj)
However, if you mean the generic Queue<T>
class, then note that there is no suitable virtual method to override. You might do better to encapsulate the queue with your own class:
(** important edit: removed base-class!!! **)
class Foo<T>
private readonly Queue<T> queue = new Queue<T>();
public event EventHandler Changed;
protected virtual void OnChanged()
if (Changed != null) Changed(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public virtual void Enqueue(T item)
public int Count { get { return queue.Count; } }
public virtual T Dequeue()
T item = queue.Dequeue();
return item;
However, looking at your code, it seems possible that you are using multiple threads here. If that is the case, consider a threaded queue instead.
I just did write up on what I call a TriggeredQueue. It's inspired the answer by Marc Gravell.
You can find my post here: http://joesauve.com/triggeredqueuet
And the Gist here: http://gist.github.com/jsauve/b2e8496172fdabd370c4
It has four events:
- WillEnqueue
- WillDequeue
- DidEnqueue
- DidDequeue
You can hook into any of these like so:
YourQueue.WillEnqueue += (sender, e) => {
// kick off some process
YourQueue.DidEnqueue += (sender, e) => {
// kick off some process
// e.Item provides access to the enqueued item, if you like
YourQueue.WillDequeue += (sender, e) => {
// kick off some process
YourQueue.DidDequeue += (sender, e) => {
// kick off some process
// e.Item provides access to the dequeued item, if you like
One neat trick is that you can use the DidDequeue method to kick off some process to ensure that the queue is full by making a web request or loading some data from a filesystem, etc. I use this class in Xamarin mobile apps to ensure that data and images are pre-cached in order to provide a smooth user experience, instead of loading images AFTER they scroll onto the screen (like you might see in Facebook and countless other apps).
public new void Enqueue(Delegate d)
You have to override Enqueue, to call OnChanged.