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How to get Database Name from Connection String using SqlConnectionStringBuilder
7 answers
I want to extract from a connectionString (a string variable) the server and database names. The name of the server and database change as we move from DEV to STAGE and then PROD.
Here's an example:
Data Source=SERVER_XYZ;Initial Catalog=DATABASE_XYZ;User ID=us;Password=pass
Data Source=SERVER_XYZPQR;Initial Catalog=DATABASE_XYZPQR;User ID=us;Password=pass
Notice the name changes (as well as lengths of the whole string).
How do I capture the data source and initial catalog without knowing the length it's going to be? So that on form load, it'll get the Server & Database name to display to the user (so he/she can see which server and database he/she is connected to?
You can use the connection string builder class which once constructed has datasource and initial catalog properties
string connStr = "Data Source=SERVERx;Initial Catalog=DBx;User ID=u;Password=p";
var csb = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(connStr);
string dataSource = csb.DataSource;
string initialCatalog = csb.InitialCatalog;
Let the .net framework do the work for you ;) no messing about with substrings or regexs
A C# Regex solution:
String input = "Data Source=SERVER_XYZ;Initial Catalog=DATABASE_XYZ;User ID=us;Password=pass";
// Match the server:
Match serverMatch = Regex.Match(input, @"Source=([A-Za-z0-9_.]+)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
// Match the database:
Match databaseMatch = Regex.Match(input, @"Catalog=([A-Za-z0-9_]+)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
// Get the string
if (serverMatch.Success)
String server = serverMatch.Groups[1].Value;
Keep in mind valid characters for URLs: