I'm trying to cross-compile some applications for an alternative architecture.
My typical procedure is as follows:
- Download and untar source into /var/source
- ./configure --prefix=/var/install CC=[my-cross-compiler-gcc]
- make
- make install
This works as expected: My application is installed into /var/install.
However, when I deploy this application onto my alternative architecture, I don't want it deployed in /var/install. I just want it installed in / as normal.
I can copy it into /, however the application itself is still trying to look inside /var/install for various default settings.
I want to compile and install the software on my x86 system, but when I deploy it on the alternative architecture, I want it to be as if I had installed it into /, not in /var/install.
Is there a way to accomplish what I'm trying to do?