I've defined my main module as such:
angular.module('domiciliations', ['domiciliations.service', 'loggerService', 'person.directives']).
config(['$routeProvider', function ($routeProvider) {
when('/domiciliations/mandats', { templateUrl: 'domiciliations/views/mandats.html', controller: mandatsCtrl }).
when('/domiciliations/mandats/:rum', { templateUrl: 'domiciliations/views/mandat.html', controller: mandatCtrl }).
otherwise({ redirectTo: '/domiciliations/mandats' });
value('toastr', window.toastr).
value('breeze', window.breeze);
My problem is how to how specify module dependencies in my controller?
If I do:
angular.module('domiciliations.service', ['ngResource', 'breeze', 'loggerService']).
factory('Domiciliation', function ($resource, breeze, logger) {
Then I get an error 'no module: breeze'.
It works if I do:
angular.module('domiciliations.service', ['ngResource']).
factory('Domiciliation', function ($resource, breeze, logger) {
So how am I suppose to specify dependencies on breeze and logger?