I need some analog of rsync
for ant. The issue is to copy files from source directory to the set of subdirectories that was previously accomplished with script
rsync -r --ignore-existing $BASE_DIR/common/config/* $BASE_DIR/config
Thanks for any help
You can use exec to call rsync from Ant, you could use the java task to call Jarsync or java-sync or you could create a custom ant task to call either of those libraries.
Zombie question but posting https://gist.github.com/garethr/878364 in case I ever search for it myself again. Pasting Gist content in case something something.
<project name="{{ name }}" default="help" basedir=".">
<property name="username" value="{{ username }}"/>
<property name="host" value="{{ host }}"/>
<property name="dir" value="/srv/{{ path }}/"/>
<format property="TODAY_UK" pattern="yyyyMMddhhmmss" locale="en,UK"/>
<target name="help" description="show available commands" >
<exec executable="ant" dir="." failonerror="true">
<arg value="-p"/>
<target name="deploy-to" description="show where we are deploying to" >
<target name="deploy" description="deploy usng rsync" >
<exec executable="rsync" dir="." failonerror="true">
<arg value="-r"/>
<arg value="."/>
<arg value="${username}@${host}:${dir}"/>
<arg value="--exclude-from=rsync.excludes"/>
<arg value="-v"/>
<target name="deploy-test" description="test deploy usng rsync with the dry run flag set" >
<exec executable="rsync" dir="." failonerror="true">
<arg value="-r"/>
<arg value="."/>
<arg value="${username}@${host}:${dir}"/>
<arg value="--exclude-from=rsync.excludes"/>
<arg value="--dry-run"/>
<arg value="-v"/>
<target name="backup" description="backup site" >
<exec executable="scp" dir="." failonerror="true">
<arg value="-r"/>
<arg value="${username}@${host}:${dir}"/>
<arg value="backups/${TODAY_UK}"/>