I am using Region Monitoring in my app and I faced a question that I couldn't find any answer to it. How does region monitoring work in background mode?
According to Location Awareness PG:
Every time the user’s current location crosses a boundary region, the system generates an appropriate region event for your application. If your application is already running, these events go directly to the delegates of any current location manager objects. If your application is not running, the system launches it in the background so that it can respond.
Now, this question is: my app is in the suspended mode, a region has been entered and a trigger should be delivered, does this event will be send "directly" to the delegate's:
?? Same question if the app is in background mode. In other words, is there any code I should consider in suspend and background mode to receive this event? or the iOS will first launch the application, then send the event to the delegate directly without any need to BG code?