What's the difference between `&` and `ref`?

2019-03-25 09:17发布


I understand how & works, but what is the difference between that and ref? Are they interchangeable?

The only information I found (because searching for symbols on Google doesn't work very well) is this page on Rust By Example, but it doesn't explain the difference between the two. The Book is not very informative, and ref is only listed on the Patterns chapter. But it seems that ref is used outside that context too.

So, what are the uses of ref, and what's the difference to &?


ref is used in patterns to bind a reference to an lvalue (an lvalue is a value you can take the address of, more or less).

It's important to understand that patterns go "backwards" from normal expressions, since they're used to deconstruct values.

Here's a simple example. Suppose we have this:

let value = 42;

We can bind a reference to value in two ways:

let reference1 = &value;
let ref reference2 = value;

In the first case, we use & as an operator to take the address of value. In the second case, we use the ref pattern to "deconstruct" an lvalue. In both cases, the type of the variable is &i32.

& can also be used in patterns, but it does the opposite: it deconstructs a reference by dereferencing it. Suppose we have:

let value = 42;
let reference = &value;

We can dereference reference in two ways:

let deref1 = *reference;
let &deref2 = reference;

Here, the type of both deref1 and deref2 is i32.

It's not always possible to write the same expression in two ways as shown here, however. For example, you cannot use & to take a reference to a value stored in an enum variant: you need to match on it. For example, if you want to take a reference to the value in a Some, you need to write:

match option {
    Some(ref value) => { /* stuff */ }
    None => { /* stuff */ }

since there's no way in Rust you can use the & operator to access the value otherwise.