parse html inside cdata using jquery or javascript

2019-03-25 09:37发布


I'm getting a website feed that looks like this

    <title> some title </title>
         <![CDATA[ <div>this tag is ignored<div> who took the cookie in the cookie jar!?  ]]>

I need the entire content of the cdata to be displayed in the html. I'm using jquery 1.9.1 and when I get the content part using $(xml).find('rss content').text(), it actually ignores the whole <div>this tag is ignored<div> part. Any way to get everything inside the CDATA using javascript or jquery?


Chances are your markup is not parsed as XML by jQuery. Try explicitly invoking $.parseXML():

var contentText = $($.parseXML(xml)).find("rss content").text();




this snippet from working code uses jquery to load xml and then gets the 4th occurence of the content tag (which contains CDATA)

var req = new AjaxRequest(); 
req.loadXMLDoc(linkString, paramString);
var htmlContent = req.getResponse().responseXML.getElementsByTagName('content').item(3).childNodes[0].nodeValue;


jQuery is not the best at parsing XML documents from a string. It would be better to use the browser's native DOM Parser. jQuery can then work with the parsed XML document much better; otherwise I believe it will try to work with it like XML which produces weird results.

$xml = $((new DOMParser).parseFromString(xml, "text/xml"));

EDIT: based on the other answer, $.parseXML is possibly a better option since it should work with other browsers, but you would have to use it in a similar fashion to the above since the result is an XML document rather than a jQuery object.

$xml = $($.parseXML(xml));


text from CDATA in jQuery can be retrieved by get first of childNodes data:

dataType: 'xml',
success: function (dataR, textStatus, jqXHR){ 
var rrsobj = $(dataR).find('rss');
if(rrsobj ){
  desc = $(rrsobj [0]).children('content');  
    var txt = desc[0].childNodes[0].data; }

where dataR was read from YOUR_URL and txt contains info from CDATA