Giving the Array of Structure below:
I am able to print out all values from all fields by doing:
<cfset ColumnNames = structKeyArray(ApiData[1])>
<cfset ColumnLength = ArrayLen(ColumnNames)>
<cfloop from="1" to="#ArrayLen(ApiData)#" index="i">
<cfdump var="#ApiData[i].Created#">
<cfdump var="#ApiData[i].Name#">
...and so on
Now I am trying to loop through all fields so that I dont have to actually write the name of each field. How do I do this dynamically? Something like:
<cfloop from="1" to="#ArrayLen(ApiData)#" index="i">
<cfloop from="1" to="#ColumnLength#" index="i">
<!---<cfdump var="#ApiData[i]." + "#ColumnNames[i]#" + "#">--->
<!---<cfdump var="#ApiData[i].ColumnNames[i]#">--->
I am not a ColdFusion guy, just helping a buddy and the ColdFusion syntax is very different from .Net :-)
Thank you for your help