How do I create connection string programmatically

2019-03-25 08:51发布


How do I create connection string programmatically to MS SQL in Entity Framework 6?

I'm using c# and WPF and I was wondering if someone could show me how or link me to a resource that shows how to set up connection strings programmatically in EF 6. The MSDN article explains that you can but it doesn't go into creating actual connection strings.

So here is an EF6 example that works


entityFramework codeConfigurationType="WPFwithEF.SqlConfiguration, WPFwithEF"> /entityFramework


public class ProductContext : DbContext
    public ProductContext():base("Wpf")
    { }
    public DbSet<Category> Categories { get; set; }
    public DbSet<Product> Products { get; set; }


namespace WPFwithEF
public class SqlConfiguration : DbConfiguration

    public SqlConfiguration()
        SetDefaultConnectionFactory(new SqlConnectionFactory());

but if the context base is "name=Wpf" then this set up does not work is there a way to make that work? And i'm looking for the latest EF6 not the old way to do it.


You can use the EntityConnectionStringBuilder as descriped here: How to: Build an EntityConnection Connection String


If you are specifically connecting to a MS Sql database, this should work:

private DbConnection CreateConnection(string connectionString)
    return new SqlConnection(connectionString);

private string CreateConnectionString(string server, string databaseName, string userName, string password)
    var builder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder
        DataSource = server, // server address
        InitialCatalog = databaseName, // database name
        IntegratedSecurity = false, // server auth(false)/win auth(true)
        MultipleActiveResultSets = false, // activate/deactivate MARS
        PersistSecurityInfo = true, // hide login credentials
        UserID = userName, // user name
        Password = password // password
    return builder.ConnectionString;

how to use:

public void ConnectoToDbWithEf6()
    using(var connection = CreateConnection(CreateConnectionString("server", "db", "you", "password")
        using(var context = new YourContext(connection, true))
            foreach(var someEntity in context.SomeEntitySet)




I previously used the DefaultConnection string found in the app.config ( or web.config) as example and just replaced the "connectionstring" on the DbContext, to the one i wanted.

The connectionstring looked something like :

Data Source=(LocalDb)\MSSQLLocalDB;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\aspnet-ShoppingList.Web-20150903103641.mdf;Initial Catalog=aspnet-ShoppingList.Web-20150903103641;Integrated Security=True

If i'm remembering correctly, you should replace the connectionstring in :


PS. You can only use it this way if you are using Code-First. If you are using Model-First or Database-First you should use the EntityConnectionStringBuilder .


I investigated this question today. in my opinion the easiest solution is not mentioned above.

Why not use the SqlConnectionStringBuilder class? (using System.Data.SqlClient)

Here a simple example how to use it.

    SqlConnectionStringBuilder sqlb = new  SqlConnectionStringBuilder(getConnectionString(DATABASENAME);

    using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(sqlb.ConnectionString))

    // works for EF Core, should also work for EF6 (haven't tried this) 
    private static string getConnectionString(string databaseName)
        return "Data Source=SQLSERVERNAME;Initial Catalog="+databaseName+";Integrated Security=True";


You could use the ProductivityTools.ConnectionString nuget package. It has 3 methods:

  • Creates connection string to server without database name
  • Creates connection string to server with the database name
  • Creates connection string for EntityFramework database context

Last method will be right for you and asssuming that your edmx is named Product after invocation

("serverName", "databaseName", "Product");

Package will return:

metadata=res://*/Product.csdl|res://*/Product.ssdl| res://*/Product.msl; 
provider=System.Data.SqlClient;provider connection string="Data Source=serverName;
Initial Catalog=databaseName;Integrated Security=True"