I found that the best type to store lat and long in SQL Server is decimal (9,6) (ref. What datatype to use when storing latitude and longitude data in SQL databases?) and so I did
AddColumn("dbo.Table", "Latitude", c => c.Decimal(nullable: false, precision: 9, scale: 6));
AddColumn("dbo.Table", "Longitude", c => c.Decimal(nullable: false, precision: 9, scale: 6));
SQL seems ok, everything is working, BUT when I insert / update a value, i.e.
lat = 44.5912853
it is saved like this:
I checked the flow, and just before the update, my entity contains the correct value, so I don't think is related to my code, but to some round that EF / SQL does. Do you have any idea to avoid this?
update [dbo].[Breweries]
set [RankId] = @0,
[Name] = @1,
[Foundation] = null,
[DirectSale] = @2,
[OnlineSale] = @3,
[StreetAddress] = @4,
[StreetAddress1] = null,
[ZIP] = @5,
[City] = @6,
[Province] = @7,
[CountryCode] = @8,
[Latitude] = @9,
[Longitude] = @10,
[PIVA] = null,
[CodFiscale] = null
where ([BreweryId] = @11)
POCO entity
public class Brewery : ABrewery
public decimal Latitude { get; set; }
public decimal Longitude { get; set; }
SQL Profiler
exec sp_executesql N'update [dbo].[Breweries]
set [RankId] = @0, [Name] = @1, [Foundation] = null, [DirectSale] = @2, [OnlineSale] = @3, [StreetAddress] = @4, [StreetAddress1] = null, [ZIP] = @5, [City] = @6, [Province] = @7, [CountryCode] = @8, [Latitude] = @9, [Longitude] = @10, [PIVA] = null, [CodFiscale] = null
where ([BreweryId] = @11)
',N'@0 int,@1 nvarchar(128),@2 bit,@3 bit,@4 nvarchar(256),@5 varchar(16),@6 nvarchar(64),@7 nvarchar(64),@8 nvarchar(128),@9 decimal(18,2),@10 decimal(18,2),@11 int',@0=2,@1=N'Davide',@2=0,@3=0,@4=N'Via Moscardini, 24',@5='zip',@6=N'city',@7=N'province',@8=N'ITA',