I'm using ABS vers. 4 and I need to simply change the default "Done" text that is displayed besides the action mode close icon, but I really can't figure out how to do it.
I think that text needs to be customizable for at least two good reasons:
"Done" is not appropriate for all contexts (e.g. "Cancel" could be more appropriate, and I've seen some apps, such as the "My Files" app on Galaxy Tab, use it)
"Done" needs to be localized according to the user's language
Is it possible to do customize that text? If so can anyone tell me how to do it?
Thanks in advance.
I've found a temporary workaround, that I post in the following:
private TextView getActionModeCloseTextView() {
// ABS 4.0 defines action mode close button text only for "large" layouts
if ((getResources().getConfiguration().screenLayout &
// retrieves the LinearLayout containing the action mode close button text
LinearLayout action_mode_close_button =
(LinearLayout) getActivity().findViewById(R.id.abs__action_mode_close_button);
// if found, returns its last child
// (in ABS 4.0 there is no other way to refer to it,
// since it doesn't have an id nor a tag)
if (action_mode_close_button != null) return (TextView)
action_mode_close_button.getChildAt(action_mode_close_button.getChildCount() - 1);
return null;
That's the method I came up with. Please NOTE that it does heavily rely upon the structure of the abs__action_mode_close_item.xml
of ABS 4.0.
This works for my scenario, but, as you can see, it cannot be considered sufficiently satisfying to promote it to a real "answer", that's why I only edited my previous post.
Hope that helps someone else, but I also hope that someone could share a better and cleaner solution.
You can use a theme to override the default icon:
<item name="actionModeCloseDrawable">@drawable/navigation_back</item>
<item name="android:actionModeCloseDrawable">@drawable/navigation_back</item>
I edited the code from PacificSky to be able to customize the color and font size of the close button, both in pre ICS and >ICS.
I created a method named customizeActionModeCloseButton
private void customizeActionModeCloseButton() {
int buttonId = Resources.getSystem().getIdentifier("action_mode_close_button", "id", "android");
View v = getGSActivity().findViewById(buttonId);
if (v == null) {
buttonId = R.id.abs__action_mode_close_button;
v = getGSActivity().findViewById(buttonId);
if (v == null)
LinearLayout ll = (LinearLayout) v;
if (ll.getChildCount() > 1 && ll.getChildAt(1) != null) {
TextView tv = (TextView) ll.getChildAt(1);
and I call it just after calling startActionMode()
public boolean onItemLongClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id) {
actionMode = getActivity().startActionMode(this);
return true;
It's been a while, but here's a slightly less hacky solution - putting it out there for posterity.
For Android versions < ICS
Put the following line in your application's strings.xml:
<string name="abs__action_mode_done">Cancel</string>
This overrides the TextView's (defined in ActionBarSherlock/res/layout-large/abs__action_mode_close_item.xml) android:text attribute.
For Android versions ICS and above
The native ActionBar functionality is used on ICS and up. You need to find and override the string associated with the done button, using the following code:
int buttonId = Resources.getSystem().getIdentifier("action_mode_close_button", "id", "android");
if (buttonId != 0)
View v = findViewById(buttonId);
if (v != null)
LinearLayout ll = (LinearLayout)v;
View child = ll.getChildAt(1);
if (child != null)
TextView tv = (TextView)child;
Thanks for PacificSky's answer. It's useful for my case.
Something needs to be explained here is that findViewById(buttonId)
might return null
in some cases such as called in onCreateActionMode()
function, because the LinearLayout
for ActionMode close button not yet initialized at that time I guess.
I want to hide the action mode close button, so i just sendEmptyMessageDelayed
in onCreateActionMode()
and call PacificSky's 200ms later. It works for me.
Here is my approach with Java code:
private void customizeActionModeCloseButton(String title, int iconID) {
int buttonId = Resources.getSystem().getIdentifier("action_mode_close_button", "id", "android");
View v = findViewById(buttonId);
if (v == null) {
buttonId = R.id.abs__action_mode_close_button;
v = findViewById(buttonId);
if (v == null)
LinearLayout ll = (LinearLayout) v;
if (ll.getChildCount() > 1 && ll.getChildAt(1) != null) {
//custom icon
ImageView img = (ImageView) ll.getChildAt(0);
//custom text
TextView tv = (TextView) ll.getChildAt(1);
com.actionbarsherlock.view.ActionMode contains method:
It is used to change text near Close Icon in the ActionBar.
ActionMode is available in your com.actionbarsherlock.view.ActionMode.Callback interface implementation methods, like onCreateActionMode.
What you can do - is save incoming ActionMode reference and use it later to change title as your like. Or, if it is not dynamic - you can setup at with your constant in onCreateActionMode.