I'm trying to use Bootstrap's thumbnail component to display a list of product categories with thumbnail images. I want users to click the thumbnails to go to the category.
The documentation on the Bootstrap website provides this basic markup:
<ul class="thumbnails">
<li class="span4">
<a href="#" class="thumbnail">
<img data-src="holder.js/300x200" alt="">
I've Googled for information about holder.js, found the official holder.js page, downloaded the zip version, put the files in my site's js folder and linked to the holder.js file with a script tag in my HTML.
But how/where in the markup do I specify what image files to use?
I also need to include a category name under each image, probably with a span or h4 tag. This would need to form part of the clickable block.
UPDATE: Just to clarify, it's really only the styling aspects of the thumbnail component that I want to utilise. So perhaps I can achieve this with the thumbnails component and associated HTML markup, and leave out holder.js altogether?
This is the kind of HTML mark-up I would like to use:
<ul class="thumbnails">
<li class="span4">
<a href="/category-name/" class="thumbnail">
<img src="/assets/images/filename.jpg" alt="">
<span>Category name</span>