What's the difference between @Delegate and @Mixin AST transformations in Groovy.
Maybe my question has to do with OO and when apply different patterns, but I use both and I can achieve the same behavior.
class Person {
String name = "Clark"
def walk() { "Walk" }
class Superhero {
def fly() { "Fly" }
def superman = new Superhero()
assert superman.name == "Clark"
assert superman.walk() == "Walk"
assert superman.fly() == "Fly"
class Person {
String name = "Clark"
def walk() { "Walk" }
class Superhero {
@Delegate Person person
def fly() { "Fly" }
def superman = new Superhero(person: new Person())
assert superman.name == "Clark"
assert superman.walk() == "Walk"
assert superman.fly() == "Fly"