
Document sheet not responding to keyboard events

2019-03-24 14:07发布


I think it's a first responder problem, but I'm not sure. I'm implementing an edit window for data in a table view. Very similar in concept to the UI for editing filter rules in Mail.app.

I have an editing window that I attach to my primary window with:

[NSApp beginSheet: criteriaEditPanel 
   modalForWindow: [self window] 
    modalDelegate: self 
   didEndSelector: @selector(criteriaEditDidEnd:returnCode:contextInfo:) 
      contextInfo: (void *)[criteriaList objectAtIndex: index]];

The panel displays properly, from the title bar of the main window. I can manipulate the pop-up controls on the panel with the mouse, but I can't edit the text fields and I can't tab between fields. Everything else works fine. Any ideas?



Solved. Believe it or not, you have to have the Title Bar enabled for the panel, even though it's never visible when displayed as a Sheet. When enabled it in IB, keyboard input started working.

@spudwaffle - none of the objects had Refuse First Responder checked.