Firebase messaging, where to get Server Key?

2019-01-07 07:21发布


Firebase allows us to send notification messages via our own application by making POST request.

This tutorial, gives to us instructions how to make this request. However, there is Authorization field in header where I must to place my own Server key.

Where I can get this Server key? There are no instructions for this.


  1. click the settings icon/cog wheel next to your project name at the top of the new Firebase Console
  2. Click Project settings
  3. Click on the Cloud Messaging tab
  4. The key is right under Server Key


Take this one: (First answer is right - this one is just to show how the page looks like!)


UPDATE: As of April 2017 this method does not work. The api_key in google-services.json is only the legacy key. The selected answer is correct.

Deprecated way:

In your project there is a JSON file called google-services.json

Open that file and search for

"api_key": [
          "current_key": "********"

those *** are your server api key

If you dont have that file then you can download it from your app details in firebase account


There are two keys on firebase, the first one is in Settings (Tab General) and its call Web API Key.

The second one and in what you are interesting for is in Settings (Tab Cloud Messaging) its called Server key

Use the second one for push notifications from php.