$scope.myVariable not updated in controller for an

2019-03-24 10:55发布


In my view I have an input, a span and a button like so:

<script type="text/ng-template" id="myTemplate.html">
  <input type="text" ng-model="phoneNumber">
  <span>{{ phoneNumber}}</span>
  <input type="button" ng-click="click()">

When typing in the textbox, the content of the span updates as expected reading. But when clicking the button, phoneNumber has not updated inside the controller:

app.controller('myPopopCtrl', ['$scope', '$modalInstance',
  function ($scope, $modalInstance) {
      $scope.phoneNumber= '';    

      $scope.click = function() {
        alert($scope.phoneNumber); // alerts only ''

Is there some newbe mistake you can make in angular which makes stuff not updating on the $scope inside a controller?

Are there some $scope issues with the angular-ui modal I need to be aware of?


It seems like phoneNumber gets created in 2 scopes. One time in the scope at the blue arrow which where phoneNumber: '' and once in the child scope at the red arrow. The view uses the phoneNumber in the child scope and the controller uses the phoneNumber in the parent scope...

Why are two scopes created?


ng-include creates a new scope. So pass a object instead of string


The template then looks like

<script type="text/ng-template" id="myTemplate.html">
  <input type="text" ng-model="phone.number">
  <span>{{ phone.number}}</span>
  <input type="button" ng-click="click()">

Look at this wiki to understand the issues with prototypal inheritance.


Had the same problem and after a few experiments I've settled on writing

<input type="text" ng-model="$parent.phoneNumber">

This way input is bound to the blue scope, which is exactly what you wanted.

Other way is to initialise phoneNumber with a true-ish value. Try $scope.phoneNumber= '123'; - worked fine for me.

Angular seems to walk up the scope tree looking for an attribute to bind to. If nothing's found - it binds to the inner-most scope, red scope in your pic. As other answer suggests - this red scope is created by ng-include, as a child of controller's $scope.