I want to create observables that do following:
- buffer all items, while they are paused
- immediately emit items, while they are not paused
- the pause/resume trigger must come from another observable
- it must be save to be used by observables that do not run on the main thread and it must be save change the paused/resumed state from the main thread
I want to use a BehaviorSubject<Boolean>
as trigger and bind this trigger to an activity's onResume
and onPause
event. (Code example appended)
I've setup something, but it is not working as intended. I use it like following:
Observable o = ...;
// Variant 1
o = o.lift(new RxValve(getPauser(), 1000, getPauser().getValue())
// Variant 2
// o = o.compose(RXPauser.applyPauser(getPauser()));
Currently the problem is, that Variant 1 should work fine, but sometimes, the events are just not emitted - the valve is not emitting, until the valve everything is working (may be a threading problem...)! Solution 2 is much simplier and seems to work, but I'm not sure if it is really better, I don't think so. I'm actually not sure, why solution one is failing sometimes so I'm not sure if solution 2 solves the (currently for me unknown) problem...
Can someone tell me what could be the problem or if the simple solution should work reliably? Or show me a reliable solution?
RXPauser functions
public static <T> Observable.Transformer<T, T> applyPauser(Observable<Boolean> pauser)
return observable -> pauser(observable, pauser);
private static <T> Observable<T> pauser(Observable<T> source, Observable<Boolean> pauser)
// this observable buffers all items that are emitted while emission is paused
Observable<T> sharedSource = source.publish().refCount();
Observable<T> queue = sharedSource
.buffer(pauser.distinctUntilChanged().filter(isResumed -> !isResumed), aBoolean -> pauser.distinctUntilChanged().filter(isResumed -> isResumed))
.flatMap(l -> Observable.from(l))
.doOnNext(t -> L.d(RXPauser.class, "Pauser QUEUED: " + t));
// this observable emits all items that are emitted while emission is not paused
Observable<T> window = sharedSource.window(pauser.distinctUntilChanged().filter(isResumed -> isResumed), aBoolean -> pauser.distinctUntilChanged().filter(isResumed -> !isResumed))
.switchMap(tObservable -> tObservable)
.doOnNext(t -> L.d(RXPauser.class, "Pauser NOT QUEUED: " + t));
// combine both observables
return queue.mergeWith(window)
.doOnNext(t -> L.d(RXPauser.class, "Pauser DELIVERED: " + t));
public class BaseActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
private final BehaviorSubject<Boolean> pauser = BehaviorSubject.create(false);
public BaseActivity(Bundle savedInstanceState)
final Class<?> clazz = this.getClass();
.doOnUnsubscribe(() -> {
L.d(clazz, "Pauser unsubscribed!");
.subscribe(aBoolean -> {
L.d(clazz, "Pauser - " + (aBoolean ? "RESUMED" : "PAUSED"));
public PublishSubject<Boolean> getPauser()
return pauser;
protected void onResume()
protected void onPause()