How to do an if/else in HAML without repeating ind

2019-03-24 03:17发布


Depending on if a user is signed in or not, I'd like to print a different kind of %body-tag.

This is how I currently do it:

- if defined? @user
    %h1 Welcome
    -# all my content
- else
    %h1 Welcome
    -# all my content

As you can see there's a lot of duplicated code in there. How can I eliminate this? I already tried the following:

- if defined? @user
- else
  %h1 Welcome
  -# all my content

Unfortunately, this doesn't work since HAML interprets it as if the %h1 and the content is part of the else-statement, which of course they aren't.

Any ideas on how to solve this? I run in this problem all the time, so I can't imagine there isn't a simple solution for it.


 - @user = "jed" #=> stubbing out an instance
    - string = defined?(@user) ? "#{@user}" : nil #=> for demo only, wrap this in a helper method
    %title{'data-account' => string}


I don't think that you can avoid the indentation issue, because of the way HAML autoassigns the "end" statement, but you can instead push the if statement into the body tag itself -

%body{:data_account => (defined? @user ? @user.account : nil)}

as opposed to


Not super-pretty, but less ugly than repeating the entire block!


HAML's elegant solution is helpers

class ApplicationHelper...

  def body_for_user(user, &blk)
    return content_tag(:body, :'data-account' => user.account, &blk) if user
    content_tag(:body, &blk)


The ternary operators described above are more than sufficient for this particular situation, but for more complex things, break out the helpers.

Oh, to use this, in your view change %body(...) to = body_for_user @user do


Write a helper like this:

def body_attributes
  {}.tap do |hash|
    hash[:data] = {}
    hash[:data][:account] = @user.account if @user
    # add any other attributes for the body tag here

Then call the helper from the body element:

%body{ body_attributes }
  %h1 Welcome
  -# all my content


For anybody looking for an answer to the Ruby if/else issue with HAML this is how I worked around it:

%tr{ id: (line_item == @current_item) ? "current_item" : nil }
  %td= button_to '-', decrement_line_item_path(line_item), method: :put, remote: true
  %td #{line_item.quantity}×
  %td= line_item.product.title
  %td.item_price= number_to_currency(line_item.total_price)


I usually set the @@menu variable at the controller, then in bootstrap-enabled layout.haml I define:

          %a.btn.btn-navbar{"data-target" => ".nav-collapse", "data-toggle" => "collapse"}
          %a.brand{:href => "/"} AwesomeApp
              %li{:class => @@menu == 'home' && :active}
                %a{:href => "/"} Home
              %li{:class => @@menu == 'about' && :active}
                %a{:href => "/about"} About
              %li{:class => @@menu == 'contact' && :active}
                %a{:href => "/contact"} Contact

when I set @@menu to 'about' it will render:

    <div class='navbar navbar-fixed-top'>
      <div class='navbar-inner'>
        <div class='container'>
          <a class='btn btn-navbar' data-target='.nav-collapse' data-toggle='collapse'>
            <span class='icon-bar'></span>
            <span class='icon-bar'></span>
            <span class='icon-bar'></span>
          <a class='brand' href='/'>AwesomeApp</a>
          <div class='nav-collapse'>
            <ul class='nav'>
                <a href='/'>Home</a>
              <li class='active'>
                <a href='/about'>About</a>
                <a href='/contact'>Contact</a>

标签: ruby haml