Can we resubmit the app after metadata rejection due to invalid demo account details to avoid adding back into the review queue and restart the review clock.
As Per this Link An Easy Mistake with iTunes Connect & Metadata Rejections suggested "Do not click “Submit for Review” after getting a Metadata Rejection" to avoid review process.
But apple has suggested To provide demo account information:
- Log in to iTunes Connect
- Click on “My Apps”
- Select your app
- Scroll down to “App Review Information”
- Provide information in “Demo Account” and/or “Notes” as appropriate
- Click Save
- Click Submit for Review/ mentioned here to click on submit for review information
While your iTunes Connect Application State shows as Metadata Rejected, we don't require a new binary to correct this issue. Once this information is available, we can continue your review.
Now my question is should I click on "Submit For Review" to submit app for review process or I can only send the demo account details in reply with resolution centre message. If So,how can I send only these details to apple review team
Any help is appreciated!
If the application status is Metadata Rejected
you must provide the details on the notes and press Submit for Review
. Sometimes they will review fast. Sometime they can take a day or two. Press the button after filling the information they need on the Notes box.
NOTE: as of today, Dec 2015, a metadata review will put your app on the review limbo, at the end of the review line, and it will take the same time as a regular review, that is from a week to 10 days or more. Come on Apple!
Important: Do not hit "Submit for Review" since this will place your App once again at the back of the queue for app review process and you will end up wasting more time. Please reply to them through Resolution Center.
After a metadata rejection, your will receive an email with a link to the Resolution Center. Make the necessary changes and save your app don't click on "Submit for Review" button).
Send a message to your reviewer using the Resolution Center and wait a few hours. Your app will be "In Review" soon. Also you can "Submit an Appeal to the Apple Review Team".
My application was submitted January 7, 2016 Rejected by Metadata on January 13, 2016.
After send a message to the reviewer using the Resolution Center, I received a new message from Apple: "Once you have brought your app into compliance regarding this issue, we can continue with review of your app". My application status changes "In Review" after 60 mins.
My App was just rejected with the same subject. It turns out that I had the word "Android" in the "What's New In This Version" section on the AppStore page.
Remove the word or the whole line since it probably does not matter to iOS users, then simply reply the message Apple sent you in the Resolution Center and that's it.
Important: Do not hit "Submit for Review" since this will place your App once again at the back of the queue for app review process and you will end up wasting more time.