I want to convert a video (say from wmv format to flv) while a user uploads it. I can either convert a video or upload it individually, but how to do them at once?
Iam using ffmpeg for conversion, like:
ffmpeg -i WMV.wmv WMV.flv
But iam unsure about the steps to be followed to convert and upload a video. Do i need to use Ajax or something like that?
FFMPEG is a pretty powerful plugin
For PHP side execution example
/*** convert video to flash ***/
exec("ffmpeg -i video.wmv -ar 22050 -ab 32 -f flv -s 320x240 video.flv");
The terms used
-i Input file name
-ar Audio sampling rate in Hz
-ab Audio bit rate in kbit/s
-f Output format
-s Output dimension
To know the advanced uses of FFMPEG Check the link
FFmpeg Tricks You Should Know About