How many characters are allowed to be in the subject line of Internet email?
I had a scan of The RFC for email but could not see specifically how long it was allowed to be.
I have a colleague that wants to programmatically validate for it.
If there is no formal limit, what is a good length in practice to suggest?
See RFC 2822, section 2.1.1 to start.
There are two limits that this
standard places on the number of
characters in a line. Each line of
characters MUST be no more than 998
characters, and SHOULD be no more than
78 characters, excluding the CRLF.
As the RFC states later, you can work around this limit (not that you should) by folding the subject over multiple lines.
Each header field is logically a
single line of characters comprising
the field name, the colon, and the
field body. For convenience however,
and to deal with the 998/78 character
limitations per line, the field body
portion of a header field can be split
into a multiple line representation;
this is called "folding". The general
rule is that wherever this standard
allows for folding white space (not
simply WSP characters), a CRLF may be
inserted before any WSP. For
example, the header field:
Subject: This is a test
can be represented as:
Subject: This
is a test
The recommendation for no more than 78 characters in the subject header sounds reasonable. No one wants to scroll to see the entire subject line, and something important might get cut off on the right.
RFC2322 states that the subject header "has no length restriction"
but to produce long headers but you need to split it across multiple lines, a process called "folding".
subject is defined as "unstructured" in RFC 5322
here's some quotes ([...] indicate stuff i omitted)
3.6.5. Informational Fields
The informational fields are all optional. The "Subject:" and
"Comments:" fields are unstructured fields as defined in section
2.2.1, [...]
2.2.1. Unstructured Header Field Bodies
Some field bodies in this specification are defined simply as
"unstructured" (which is specified in section 3.2.5 as any printable
US-ASCII characters plus white space characters) with no further
restrictions. These are referred to as unstructured field bodies.
Semantically, unstructured field bodies are simply to be treated as a
single line of characters with no further processing (except for
"folding" and "unfolding" as described in section 2.2.3).
2.2.3 [...] An unfolded header field has no length restriction and
therefore may be indeterminately long.
after some test: If you send an email to an outlook client, and the subject is >77 chars, and it needs to use "=?ISO"
inside the subject (in my case because of accents) then OutLook will "cut" the subject in the middle of it and mesh it all that comes after, including body text, attaches, etc... all a mesh!
I have several examples like this one:
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Actas de la obra N=BA.20100154 (Expediente N=BA.20100182) "NUEVA RED FERROVIARIA.=
As you see, in the subject line it cutted on char 78 with a "=" followed by 2 or 3 line feeds, then continued with the rest of the subject baddly.
It was reported to me from several customers who all where using OutLook, other email clients deal with those subjects ok.
If you have no ISO on it, it doesn't hurt, but if you add it to your subject to be nice to RFC, then you get this surprise from OutLook. Bit if you don't add the ISOs, then iPhone email will not understand it(and attach files with names using such characters will not work on iPhones).
I don't believe that there is a formal limit here, and I'm pretty sure there isn't any hard limit specified in the RFC either, as you found.
I think that some pretty common limitations for subject lines in general (not just e-mail) are:
- 80 Characters
- 128 Characters
- 256 Characters
Obviously, you want to come up with something that is reasonable. If you're writing an e-mail client, you may want to go with something like 256 characters, and obviously test thoroughly against big commercial servers out there to make sure they serve your mail correctly.
Hope this helps!