I have the directory structure like this in code igniter:
When I accessing the image in index.php I used:
<img src=\"http://localhost/Appsite/website/images/images.PNG\"
And the href is:
<li class=\"\"><a href=\"http://localhos/tAppsite/website/index.php/home/\">Home</a></li>
I think it is not a good practice to include the http://localhost
when accessing the images or libraries in code igniter. So I tried to change the $config[\'base_url\']
in config.php
to $config[\'base_url\'] = \"http://\".$_SERVER[\"HTTP_HOST\"].\"/\";
And now I update my image source and other library source I remove the localhost and the name of my directory folder:
<img src=\"images/images.PNG”>
<li class=\"\"><a href= <?php echo base_url;?> /website/index.php/home/\">Home</a></li>
But I get errors. it says object not found. Can some help me?
In Config.php
$config[\'base_url\'] = \'http://localhost/Appsite/website/\';
$config[\'index_page\'] = \'\';
# If online site
# $config[\'base_url\'] = \'http://stackoverflow.com/\';
In .htaccess
(outside application folder) - To remove index.php
in URL
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond $1 !^(index\\.php|assets|image|resources|robots\\.txt)
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?/$1 [L,QSA]
To accessing URL
<a href=\"<?php echo base_url();?>contollerName/methodName\"> click here</a>
To access image
<img src=\"<?php echo base_url();?>images/images.PNG”>
To access CSS
<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"<?php echo base_url();?>assets/css/style.css\"/>
To use base_url
load URL helper from autoload.php
In your config.php
set the base_url()
$config[\'base_url\'] = \'http://localhost/projectname/\';
In your view load the image as,
<img src=\"<?php echo base_url();?>images/images.PNG”>
Just put this it will take the automatically correct path of the project and set base URL
$site_url = ((isset($_SERVER[\'HTTPS\']) && strtolower($_SERVER[\'HTTPS\']) !== \'off\') || (isset($_SERVER[\'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO\']) && $_SERVER[\'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO\'] == \'https\')) ? \'https\' : \'http\';
$site_url .= \'://\' . (isset($_SERVER[\'HTTP_HOST\']) ? $_SERVER[\'HTTP_HOST\'] : \'\');
$site_url .= str_replace(basename($_SERVER[\'SCRIPT_NAME\']), \'\', $_SERVER[\'SCRIPT_NAME\']);
$config[\'base_url\'] = $site_url;