I used to have a script for my Sheet, that was based on https://webapps.stackexchange.com/questions/7211/how-can-i-make-some-data-on-a-google-spreadsheet-auto-sorting this here to automatically sort a specific sheet whenever it is edited. However, I can't fixate the date though, it seem to have stopped working. I already did some research and apparently the sorting method was changed some while ago.
Now basically the thing I need is the following: I have a google spreadsheet that has a hell lot of different sheets (20+) I used to have only one sheet that needs sorting, but the whole thing has grown over time, and by now it is already two sheets I need sorting, and it is highly likely that the number will increase even further - and it is crucial, that the sorting only applies to these specific sheets. And to complicate the issue even more, the order of the sheets is not fixated, so I cannot work with sheet IDs, as they are likely to change, so it has to work with the sheet names (which can also change, but it's not very likely - and if it happens, the script is adapted rather quickly).
The Sheets that need sorting contain a lot of data in about 6-7 columns, has a header row and should be sorted by the first column, smallest number on top.
What I came up with as of now is the following:
function AutoSortOnEdit(){
// select active sheet
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
// select correct sheet
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName("testsheet456");
// select range (exclude top row)
var range = sheet.getRange("A2:ZZ999");
// actually do the sorting
range.sort({column: 1, ascending: true});
Browser.msgBox("sort done");
The Message box is just there so I see that the thing was executed, as soon as it works properly, this will be removed. I also added a custom trigger with from spreadsheet on edit.
What is funky is, when I change the range.sort to just "(1, true)" instead of what I have now, it throws an error "method sort(number,boolean) not found"...
But the bad news actually is: with that code up there a) I get no error b) the message box appears, so it actually went through the whole thing, c) it also works when I actually edit that thing (which is good) but d) no sorting whatsoever is done...
So, can anyone help me out with this? I see no real reason why that shouldn't work (but then again, I'm not a programmer, so that's why I came here for help. :P). Additionally, I would then still need - as stated in the introduction - a way to apply that script to two (or more) specific sheets (by name), as it currently is just for one sheet, but I wanted to make it work for one first, and it even fails with this right now....
Thanks in advance,