I've embedded mono in my application. The application is console application that supports plug-ins. Plug-ins are .NET assemblies. All work great, but i want to debug them. To enable debugging in my C-code i have:
soft_debug = getenv("MYAPP_SOFT_DEBUG");
if (soft_debug != NULL) {
char *options;
options = malloc(17 + strlen(soft_debug));
sprintf(options, "--debugger-agent=%s", soft_debug);
mono_jit_parse_options (1, &options);
free (options);
mono_debug_init (MONO_DEBUG_FORMAT_MONO);
domain = JIT_INIT();
The code above inits mono runtime and it's all i've done to enable debugging. To enable debugging at MonoDevelop side i've created an Add-in and implemented necessary classes. The one that starts debugging is derived from RemoteSoftDebuggerSession. Here is my OnRun method:
protected override void OnRun (DebuggerStartInfo startInfo)
var dsi = (MyAppDebuggerStartInfo) startInfo;
var procStartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(@"C:\MyApp\myapp.exe") {
UseShellExecute = false,
RedirectStandardOutput = true,
RedirectStandardError = true,
WorkingDirectory = @"C:\MyApp",
Arguments = dsi.AppName
dsi.Address, dsi.DebugPort));
this._myapp = Process.Start(procStartInfo);
this._runner.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
base.ConnectOutput(this._runner.StandardOutput, false);
base.ConnectOutput(this._runner.StandardError, true);
this._runner.Exited += delegate { this.EndSession(); };
The problem is when i start debugging myapp prints "debugger-agent: DWP handshake failed" and debugging ends. All i could figure out is that exactly 13 bytes are sent to myapp.exe and 13 bytes are recieved (the number of chars in "DWP-Handshake").
Anybady know smth about this issue?