I am trying to create and connect to a WLAN profile using Native WiFi (https://managedwifi.codeplex.com/). I am able to view all the Network BSS List and their parameters. However, when I am trying to create/overwrite a WLAN profile, I get the below mentioned error message (Error#1):
An unhandled exception of type 'System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception' occurred in ManagedWifi.dll.
Additional information: The network connection profile is corrupted
However, when I created a profile normally from "Network and Sharing Center" of the Windows 7 control panel and then tried to connect using the ManagedWiFi, I get another error message(Error#2):
An unhandled exception of type 'System.ArgumentException' occurred in mscorlib.dll
Additional information: Type 'NativeWifi.Wlan+WlanReasonCode' cannot be marshaled as an unmanaged structure; no meaningful size or offset can be computed.
I noticed that this error occurs even if I try to connect/disconnect to a WLAN profile from the "Network and Sharing Center", with the windows application running in the background.
Here is the sample code that I am using:
Dim profileName As String = GlobalVariables.ssidname ' Provides the selected SSID name from the Network BSS List
Dim hexval As String = StringToHex(GlobalVariables.ssidname) ' Function to get the hexadecimal value for a provided string
Dim key As String = TextBox1.Text ' Security key from the textbook provided
Dim profileXml As String = String.Format("<?xml version=""1.0""?><WLANProfile xmlns=""http://www.microsoft.com/networking/WLAN/profile/v1""><name>{0}</name><SSIDConfig><SSID><hex>{1}</hex><name>{0}</name></SSID></SSIDConfig><connectionType>ESS</connectionType><MSM><security><authEncryption><authentication>open</authentication><encryption>WEP</encryption><useOneX>false</useOneX></authEncryption><sharedKey><keyType>networkKey</keyType><protected>false</protected><keyMaterial>{2}</keyMaterial></sharedKey><keyIndex>0</keyIndex></security></MSM></WLANProfile>", 'GlobalVariables.ssidname, hexval, TextBox1.Text)
wlanIface.SetProfile(Wlan.WlanProfileFlags.AllUser, profileXml, True) 'Error#1 occurs here
wlanIface.Connect(Wlan.WlanConnectionMode.Profile, Wlan.Dot11BssType.Any, profileName) 'Error#2 occurs here
From the forum "Type Native Wifi.Wlan + WlanReasonCode cannot be marshaled error", the issue (Error#2) seems to be within the WlanAPI.cs, where there is a line of code that checks for the size of the return code. This is the line:
int expectedSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(Wlan.WlanReasonCode));
if (notifyData.dataSize >= expectedSize)
Wlan.WlanReasonCode reasonCode = (Wlan.WlanReasonCode)Marshal.ReadInt32(notifyData.dataPtr);
if (wlanIface != null)
wlanIface.OnWlanReason(notifyData, reasonCode);
Changing the above code to the below seems to fix the issue.
//int expectedSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(Wlan.WlanReasonCode));
if (notifyData.dataSize >= 0)
Wlan.WlanReasonCode reasonCode = (Wlan.WlanReasonCode)Marshal.ReadInt32(notifyData.dataPtr);
if (wlanIface != null)
wlanIface.OnWlanReason(notifyData, reasonCode);
However, I am not sure on how to add this fix to my solution. I installed the ManagedWiFi from the NuGet Package Manager. Hence, not sure how to change the WlanApi.cs file. Any help regarding the above mentioned two issues are much appreciated.