How to deserialize only part of a large xml file t

2019-03-22 05:19发布


I've already read some posts and articles on how to deserialize xml but still haven't figured out the way I should write the code to match my needs, so.. I'm apologizing for another question about deserializing xml ))

I have a large (50 MB) xml file which I need to deserialize. I use xsd.exe to get xsd schema of the document and than autogenerate c# classes file which I put into my project. I want to get some (not all) data from this xml file and put it into my sql database.

Here is the hierarchy of the file (simplified, xsd is very large):

public class yml_catalog 
    public yml_catalogShop[] shop { /*realization*/ }

public class yml_catalogShop
    public yml_catalogShopOffersOffer[][] offers { /*realization*/ }

public class yml_catalogShopOffersOffer
    // here goes all the data (properties) I want to obtain ))

And here is my code:

first approach:

yml_catalogShopOffersOffer catalog;
var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(yml_catalogShopOffersOffer));
var reader = new StreamReader(@"C:\div_kid.xml");
catalog = (yml_catalogShopOffersOffer) serializer.Deserialize(reader);//exception occures

I get InvalidOperationException: There is an error in the XML(3,2) document

second approach:

XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(yml_catalogShopOffersOffer));
yml_catalogShopOffersOffer result;
using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(@"C:\div_kid.xml"))          
    result = (yml_catalogShopOffersOffer)ser.Deserialize(reader); // exception occures

InvalidOperationException: There is an error in the XML(0,0) document

third: I tried to deserialize the entire file:

 XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(yml_catalog)); // exception occures
 yml_catalog result;
 using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(@"C:\div_kid.xml"))          
     result = (yml_catalog)ser.Deserialize(reader);

And I get the following:

error CS0030: The convertion of type "yml_catalogShopOffersOffer[]" into "yml_catalogShopOffersOffer" is not possible.

error CS0029: The implicit convertion of type "yml_catalogShopOffersOffer" into "yml_catalogShopOffersOffer[]" is not possible.

So, how to fix (or overwrite) the code to not get the exceptions?

edits: Also when I write:

XDocument doc = XDocument.Parse(@"C:\div_kid.xml");

The XmlException occures: unpermitted data on root level, string 1, position 1.

Here is the first string of the xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1251"?>

edits 2: The xml file short example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1251"?>
<!DOCTYPE yml_catalog SYSTEM "shops.dtd">
<yml_catalog date="2012-11-01 23:29">
   <company>?????? "???????????????? ??????????????"</company>
     <currency id="RUR" rate="1" />
      <category id=""1126233>base category</category>
      <category id="1127479" parentId="1126233">bla bla bla</category>
      // here goes all the categories
      // other offers

P.S. I've already acccepted the answer (it's perfect). But now I need to find "base category" for each Offer using categoryId. The data is hierarchical and the base category is the category that has no "parentId" attribute. So, I wrote a recursive method to find the "base category", but it never finishes. Seems like the algorythm is not very fast))
Here is my code: (in the main() method)

var doc = XDocument.Load(@"C:\div_kid.xml");
var offers = doc.Descendants("shop").Elements("offers").Elements("offer");
foreach (var offer in offers.Take(2))
            var category = GetCategory(categoryId, doc);
            // here goes other code

Helper method:

public static string GetCategory(int categoryId, XDocument document)
        var tempId = categoryId;
            var categories = document.Descendants("shop").Elements("categories").Elements("category");
            foreach (var category in categories)
                if (category.Attribute("id").ToString() == categoryId.ToString())
                    if (category.Attributes().Count() == 1)
                        return category.ToString();
                    tempId = Convert.ToInt32(category.Attribute("parentId"));
        return GetCategory(tempId, document);

Can I use recursion in such situation? If not, how else can I find the "base category"?


Give LINQ to XML a try. XElement result = XElement.Load(@"C:\div_kid.xml");

Querying in LINQ is brilliant but admittedly a little weird at the start. You select nodes from the Document in a SQL like syntax, or using lambda expressions. Then create anonymous objects (or use existing classes) containing the data you are interested in.

Best is to see it in action.

  • miscellaneous examples of LINQ to XML
  • simple sample using xquery and lambdas
  • sample denoting namespaces
  • There is tons more on msdn. Search for LINQ to XML.

Based on your sample XML and code, here's a specific example:

var element = XElement.Load(@"C:\div_kid.xml");
var shopsQuery =
    from shop in element.Descendants("shop")
    select new
        Name = (string) shop.Descendants("name").FirstOrDefault(),
        Company = (string) shop.Descendants("company").FirstOrDefault(),
        Categories = 
            from category in shop.Descendants("category")
            select new {
                Id = category.Attribute("id").Value,
                Parent = category.Attribute("parentId").Value,
                Name = category.Value
        Offers =
            from offer in shop.Descendants("offer")
            select new { 
                Price = (string) offer.Descendants("price").FirstOrDefault(),
                Picture = (string) offer.Descendants("picture").FirstOrDefault()


foreach (var shop in shopsQuery){
    foreach (var category in shop.Categories)
    foreach (var offer in shop.Offers)

As an extra: Here's how to deserialize the tree of categories from the flat category elements. You need a proper class to house them, for the list of Children must have a type:

class Category
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public int? ParentId { get; set; }
    public List<Category> Children { get; set; }
    public IEnumerable<Category> Descendants {
            return (from child in Children
                    select child.Descendants).SelectMany(x => x).
                    Concat(new Category[] { this });

To create a list containing all distinct categories in the document:

var categories = (from category in element.Descendants("category")
                    orderby int.Parse( category.Attribute("id").Value )
                    select new Category()
                        Id = int.Parse(category.Attribute("id").Value),
                        ParentId = category.Attribute("parentId") == null ?
                            null as int? : int.Parse(category.Attribute("parentId").Value),
                        Children = new List<Category>()

Then organize them into a tree (Heavily borrowed from flat list to hierarchy):

var lookup = categories.ToLookup(cat => cat.ParentId);
foreach (var category in categories)
    category.Children = lookup[category.Id].ToList();
var rootCategories = lookup[null].ToList();

To find the root which contains theCategory:

var root = (from cat in rootCategories
            where cat.Descendants.Contains(theCategory)
            select cat).FirstOrDefault();